concert five

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( ' ' )

Xiao spent more time than he thought talking about Barbatos with Hu Tao's useless opinions, and Ganyu's stare.

"I don't know, really. It surprised me when Barbatos messaged me, asking for a collaboration." He said, his hands in his face. "I was nervous." Hu Tao smiled.

"You where nervous? How interesting." Hu Tao muttered as if she were taking notes. Ganyu was sitting quietly, with her hands on her face, the same as Xiao. "Is it out of admiration for him that you were so nervous?"

Xiao looked at Ganyu. "I mean, I guess." He shrugged it off.

Hu Tao thought his reaction was a bit funny, but she decided to ignore it like it was nothing. Because really, right know his reaction wasn't the biggest issue.

'Of course, Xiao is well known,' Hu Tao began in her head. 'But who really has the nerve to message someone that famous, asking for a collaboration when they know his company monitors his account? And really, how stupid is Xiao for not saying anything to his company? He agreed with no permission at all.'

Xiao tapped his finger onto the table to alert the younger girl. "Hu Tao! Your food is here." He said, pushing the plate of mushroom skewers towards the girl.

"Oh, Yay! Xiao, have one too." He said holding one out for him to eat. He leaned over, biting the skewer. He grabbed the bottom and took it for himself. Thankfully for Xiao, and even the other two girls, the restaurant wasn't busy at all. There were a couple older men discussing work, and maybe a family or two. Otherwise it was the idol and his friends. In short, no one to disrupt their conversations to ask for an autograph.

Xiao's phone rang as Hu Tao was stuffing her face with whatever food she had ordered. He looked down and opened the notification. It was a text from his mom saying to come back, she needed help.

He sighed, knowing he shouldn't ignore his mom.  "I have to leave you guys, I'll see you later okay?" He pulled out his wallet, handing them a 5,000 Mora bill. "Here; that should cover what you got me Hu Tao." Hu Tao gave a thumbs up, watching Xiao run out of the store.  Hu Tao looked to Ganyu. "What's his deal?" She asked her friend, Hu Tao shrugging.

Xiao ran out of the restaurant, continuing to run to where his house would be. He didn't know exactly what 'help' she needed, but he always thought of the worst. What if she had gotten injured? Something like that. He tried to think of something less important like food or something, maybe chores. He didn't know.

Suddenly, as he was thinking, he felt something run into him, and almost push him to the ground. He quickly got stable and quickly turned his head to whatever he hit. He saw a person on the floor, his outfit consisting of green, white and some gold. His hair was a dark blue, and tied in braids in the front and dyed teal and the ends. The person also looked up from their position. They locked eyes and Xiao immediately recognized the guy off the floor.

It was Barbatos, the streamer. The streamer who had asked him for a collaboration. The streamers eyes also widened, the shock of seeing his favorite idol in the streets starting to kick in. Barbatos quickly got up dusting himself off awkwardly. "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." He almost prayed Xiao wouldn't recognize him.

"You're Barbatos right?" Xiao said. 'Obviously it's him what the hell, Xiao.' He mentally facepalmed.

The streamer flinched, looking Xiao in the eyes. "Yes!" He said, not exactly knowing what else he should say to someone famous. "Uh, I asked for the collaboration a few days ago." He smiled awkwardly, not knowing if Xiao remembered, or if his company just did it for him.

"Oh, yes. I do remember." Xiao put a hand behind his head. "Uh, I haven't contacted my company yet, so I agreed kind of just on a whim. Don't be too upset if my request gets denied." Xiao said to the streamer, feeling a little bad.

"Oh! No don't worry about it." Barbatos smiled, trying to reassure Xiao he was fine. "It was me who suddenly asked, so don't feel bad or anything." Xiao nodded slowly, holding his phone awkwardly between his hands. "Also, just call me Venti. Barbatos is just for streaming."

"Ah- sure Venti." Xiao nodded, almost feeling more awkward now that he calls the streamer by his first name.

They stared at each other, not knowing what else to say.

"Uh, well i have to get going," Xiao said pointing in the way he was originally running. "Um, I'll see you later then." He said, his face dusted with a light pink.

"Oh, wait! Alatus." The streamer called from beside him, making the idol look back to see Venti awkwardly holding his phone in his hands. Venti stared at Xiao silently for a second before holding out his phone with both hands, pushing it to the idol. "Can you save my number? It's really find if you can't, I just though maybe-" He started talking fast, it's his habit when he gets nervous. His face didn't show he was nervous at all.

Xiao's cheeks turned a darker shade of pink, quietly grabbing his phone and typing in his number and saving it as "Xiao/Alatus" before handing it back. "You can just call me Xiao." He said, looking to the floor. He doesn't often give his actual name out, but Venti was special.

Venti smiled happily, quickly texting a message so Xiao wouldn't forget it was him. Xiao's phone buzzed form Venti's message and Xiao couldn't help but let himself smile. "Thank you." He said bowing his head before waving and running towards the direction he was going.

Venti could only stare at his idol who willingly traded numbers with him. "Huh?" He couldn't help but mutter to himself, realizing what actually just happened. "Seriously?!" He dropped down, his hand covering his face.

hey y'all!!!!!! don't ask why i haven't updated this in forever uhhhh

i've been slacking lmao (and listening to k-pop comebacks)

please give me ur feedback for this chapter bc i feel REALLLLY rusty tbh. SO i hope it was overall fun to read and maybe it's still good enough quality to actually enjoy reading. love u all and thanks for 2k!!!!

- xingxing

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