concert ten

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lumine dragged the poor idol down the hallway of her apartment that she shared with her twin.

"it's just over here, 507." she said, pointing towards the end.

"is there any way for you to let go of me? i've nearly tripped four times." the seventeen year old scoffed, annoyed by the way he was being pulled.

"oops," lumine let go while raising both her hands in surrender. "my bad."

xiao now continued to walk in front of her to make sure she didn't do the same thing again.

"this it?" he asked, arriving in front of a door that had the numbers '507' right on it. lumine snatched the keys from her bag and swiftly unlocked the door with two turns to the right.

"aether!" she yelled. "i brought my friend!"

suddenly there was a boy, the same age as lumine, popped up in front of them like he was there the whole time.

"is this xiao?" he asked, his voice smooth and comforting. he offered the teenager a smile.

"yes," she said. "i work for him. or he works for me." she tried to explain their situation. technically lumine works for xiao.

"hello," xiao greeted as normal as he could with a small head bow. "i hope you don't mind me being here for a few hours..." he trailed off, thinking of what time he should be back.

"i don't but my friend might..." aether laughed. "he's a big fan of yours. if i knew my sister worked for you i would have-"

"okay next topic," lumine sighed. "inside, come on."

aether shrugged, opening the door wide enough so the both of them could come in and join in the small apartment.

"my friends name is venti," aether explained. "he's out getting snacks and probably some wine right now." he laughed, thinking of the boy losing the dare they had earlier. "he'll be back soon."

xiao almost grumbled out loud. aether already mentioned something about him being a fan, so he was not ecstatic. what if this sabotages his career?

"anyways, what movie xiao xiao?" lumine asked the younger, jumping onto the couch after she removed the black heels she was wearing on her feet.

"go change first, dresses are uncomfortable aren't they?" he asked, wanting her to leave the area for a few seconds so he could breathe.

she sighed while standing up, zooming off to a room to the right. she'd spend a good 10 minutes changing. aether smiled, walking off the kitchen. xiao didn't exactly know what he should do, so he just sat down and closed his eyes.

he was honestly close to falling asleep, but that changed when the door suddenly burst open.

"aether!" there came a yell from xiao's right. xiao immediately shot up, looking towards the person as fast as his head would turn.

They locked eyes and both stayed as still as a statue. it was clear to xiao that who he figured out to be the streamer barbatos, or venti, was about to drop the bottle of wine and food he had bought.

"uh," xiao finally forced out. venti seemed to return to earth as his face went red.

"um," venti also muttered, neither knowing what to say since their last encounter was awkward and they both admired each other. 

xiao turned his head the other way, not being able to actually sustain eye contact. "you're aether's friend?" xiao asked with a more quieted voice than usual. 

"oh venti!" the idol heard lumines brother call from the kitchen. the streamer immediately took the chance and whipped his body around to face the blonde. 

"aether!" he forcefully smiled. "what the hell is this perfect idol doing here?" he whispered to the younger. 

aether just  continued to smile innocently, given he had nothing to do with the actual situation. "my sister brought him here. don't integrate me!" he raised his hands in surrender. 

like she had been called, lumine walked out of her room, wearing probably some expensive silk pyjamas with a headband pulling back her bangs. clearly in the middle of some face routine.

"called me?" she asked.

venti set the bag of food and drinks down, walking over to lumine and throwing his arm around her shoulder and pulling her down to talk. aether sighed, walking over to xiao who was covered by the wall still sitting on the couch. 

the blonde sat beside the younger and sighed. "that's my friend," aether said looking at xiao who looked embarrassed. "venti. he loves you." he smiled. 

xiao looked to aether and nodded. "i didn't think it would be him. we've met." 

aether nodded. "i know, i was the one that told him to send that request to you." 


aether leaned his head back and looked to the ceiling. "sound disappointed." 

xiao shrugged. "i'm not." 

"you sure?" 


aether laughed. "he's kind of freaking out though, clearly didn't expect to see you here so soon." 

"me neither." 

aether stayed silent, not knowing what else to say. he's met xiao, but he's even more unsocial than before. he's pretty much getting older and less social. 

both boys heard lumine laugh hysterically, causing them both to sit up straight. 

"you're hilarious!" she laughed, both boys hearing her clap her hands loudly. aether smiled. 

"they always got along," aether started to whisper to the idol. "they're both outgoing. how do you deal with lu at work?" 

"she's quiet, doesn't speak much. only to lecture," xiao said. "she yells a lot at staff." 

aether nodded. "sounds exactly like her..." 

xiao nodded, eventually standing to go visit the kitchen. he did see the two now laughing together towards the left in front of lumine's door. neither of them looked his way as he got water quietly. 

"he's antisocial. treat him well." lumine whispered, pointing to xiao who was now walking away. 

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