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PUBLISHED: 15/05/2022

I tucked my long, (H/T) hair behind my ears once more as I stood next to Bonnie and Dad at the fire.

Thomas Shelby had just passed a coin to Dad to toss for the yard. I knew damn well he wouldn't toss the coin when the price of losing was Tommy Shelby fucking my older sister. He adored her too much, not to mention how that would affect the family's image.

"Tommy Shelby, OBE, no wager today," Dad announced as he decided not to flip the coin, holding it high, "But with this penny I will buy a flower to put on your grave,"

Dad put the penny into his breast pocket, "When the time comes."

Tommy nodded, his blue eyes piercing us with their gaze, "And before that time, please don't again disrespect my friends or their valued property."

I nearly shivered from his icy gaze.

He placed a cigarette into his mouth, "We missed Christmas, let's have it now. Peace on Earth, goodwill to all men."


I was now helping Bonnie brush my horse, Dad lighting his pipe behind us. Tommy Shelby entered the barn and put some bottles on the table, making Bonnie stop.

"She's a fine beast, this one." Tommy stated as he sat next to Dad at the table.

I felt pride swell throughout my chest as my lips curled up at the ends - yes, of course my horse was a fine beast. She was gorgeous, you'd have to be blind to not see it.

"Nothing you see is for sale, Mr. Shelby." Dad said, making Tommy open a bottle of whatever he brought.

"You know your grandfather camped with mine for a while?" Dad asked the man sitting next to him.

Bonnie kept on half heartedly brushing Charlotte, attempting to listen to Dad and Tommy's conversation, so I poked him, making him focus on how he brushed my horse.

"Yep, and it didn't last," Tommy answered, taking the cigarette out of his mouth.

"No, it ended badly in a pub called the Wenlock. We were owed money, still are." Dad replied.

"Is that why Dad doesn't like the Wenlock?" I whispered to my older brother, who hushed me with an elbow nudge as he stood up.

Tommy looked at my Dad with an unreadable expression, then spoke once more, "Other than money, and this scrapyard that's clearly not for sale, what is it that you want from me, Mr. Gold?"

"How do you know I want anything from you?" Dad shot back in reply, nearly making me snort.

Dad never did anything if it didn't benefit him.

"Well, because my company treasurer is a certified accountant and also apparently, a witch." Tommy answered, making me cock my head in confusion.

"You're a sporting man." Dad stated, making me look up at Bonnie, who grinned in reply.

"Yes I am," Tommy answered after a brief pause, clearly not knowing where Dad was going with this.

"And a gambling man." Dad added, then his eyes flicked over to us, "Bonnie, take off your shirt."

Bonnie did as Dad asked, walking up to the pair and started shadow boxing.

Dad looked at Bonnie, "What I want from you, Mr. Shelby, is for you to take a gamble on him. I want you to help my son achieve his ambition."

This statement made Tommy look at Bonnie too, who quickly finished shadow boxing.

"What ambition might that be?" Tommy asked sarcastically, making me snort.

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