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Lindys POV
"Guys, the surprise is my brother, Luke is in town" I didn't know Garett had a brother. Luke comes into Rumble Juice and walks towards us. Garett and Luke hug and he turns around to face me. Whoa. "Hey, I'm Luke, Garett told me about you guys" "Hi I'm Delia" "Oh so this"shhh" "oh" Garett elbows his brother. "I'm Jaz" "I'm Logan and this is my twin Lindy...LINDY" "" I suddenly feel my cheeks turn hot. "Um...Hi I'" I swear he winked at me. "I'm staying all year for my first year of college" We all buy smoothies and Luke tells us about how he is doing medical training to assist those in need. And he's so sweet and caring and...wait I'm rambling again aren't I. Jaz and Logan completely ignore each other for the whole time except for a few glares. Eventually Jaz leaves and so does Logan so it's just me, Delia and Garett cos Luke had to go to orientation for college. "We have to fix them" "Fix what?" He's so out of it. So we sit down and explain the entire thing. "Wait...They broke up" "yep and we have to put the pieces back together" "Oh sorry guys Dylan wants to hang out gotta go" I roll my eyes. But I'm also uncertain about this. Dylan is not known for being a good guy. I don't want to crush Delis but I also don't want her to get crushed. But before she goes I give her an envelope and I also give one to Garett. I hope this goes well...because it could all just fall apart.

Hey guys,
Premieres in 13 days!!!!
Luv ya!
Bri ;D

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