Delia is finally knows

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Lindys POV

Delia bursts in. And sits down at the table. This is the normal routine, everyone comes to our house then we all walk to the bus stop together. "Logan! What happened?!?" Um well. this is awkward. Delia still doesn't know about any of the fights. "Well um." "tell her" Garett nods in agreement with me. "Ok, well Garett and I were in Rumble juice. I was so broken about Jaz I went there to relax, Garett and I saw Dylan cheating I gave my cousin a piece of my mind" "You yelled at him?" " I punched him, he wasn't going to hurt my friends, he's been a bad cousin anyway" Delias shocked "...Thank-you so that was your first fight" then Garett interrupts "One of two!" "Wait...what?" "Well, um I kinda went outside and did the same thing to Owen" Her jaw drops. "And then Owen did this to my knee" Shock. that's the only thing that describe her face right now. "And now it's going to take two months and therapy to heal because it is severely fractured" "...what are you going to tell jaz" "I don't know but I better think of something quick" As if on cue Jaz walks in. "Logan! What happened to your knee?!?!?!!?" "Well um...I..."

Hope you guys like this book!!!
I've been really busy lately sorry!
I feel like I've had like 10 assessments at once! And I never want to see the book flyaway again!!! (Mercury-Wolf pikabb FandomOfAwesomeStuff TabethaMoonstone jadecaine I know you would agree!)
Can't wait till Cheer up Girls comes out this Monday!
Luv ya!
Bri :D

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