Crushing his heart

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Pic above from falling for who

Lindy POV
I walk down the stairs to a slammed door and Jaz standing in the hallway, with a boy...oh no. "Meet Owen my new boyfriend" My mouth dropped to the floor. "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO LOGAN?!???!?!?!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. i shove her out of my house and run out into the backyard to find my twin. "Logan! Logan! Where are" The back gate was open.
Delia: Sorry Linz no why happened?

I explain the whole Jaz thing to Delis.

Delia: What?!?!?!?!? How could she?!?!?!?!?
Lindy: And now Logan ran out the back door :(
Delia: Hm. My guess is Rumble juice or the ice cream shop (the place for all broken hearts)

I slam open the door at Rumble Juice. "BETTY!" "All my bills were payed this month...oh it's you" "Have you seen Logan?!?!? "No" "Garett?!?" "Just finished his shift half an hour ago" "ok thanks" I run out of rumble juice.

Lindy: have you seen Logan?!?!?!?
Garett: No...why?

I explain it again.

Garett: I know where he is...
Lindy: WHERE
Garett: Meet me at your house ASAP
Lindy: k

I really hope Garett knows. I really worried about Logan.

Hey guys,
Hope y'all enjoying this story!
Pic above is also from falling for who!
Luv ya!
Bri :)
PS All in UK who already saw falling for who LUCKY!!!!

PPS 4 DAYS!!!!!! Til falling for who!!!!! (I already saw a spoiler on YouTube though... But it's so good)
It has a sad ending :(

PPPS The episode that airs a week later is called Lindy and Logans brrrrrrrrrthday! (The plot is soooooo big they didn't have a live taping)

PPPPS Jessie spinoff show is called Bunk'd!!!!! Bertram, Jessie and Luke aren't part of main cast but could be guest stars so that leaves Ravi, Zuri and Emma. There are also three new characters. The Rosses leave there pent house and start at camp.

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