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Previously on THIS CRAZY LOVE

Garrett POV
I look in her eyes and she looks in mine I can see everyone else is gazing at their partners meaning none of our friends are looking. Lindy and I lean in OUR.LIPS.TOUCH

Garett's POV
We pull away after my first kiss. I know I felt fireworks, did you too? I wish I could ask but she drags me out the front of Rumble Juice. "Wow" her first word. It was pretty much all I can think too. "I'm sorry Garett...I" She dashes past me. "Lindy! Wait!" But it's too late. She's already gone. A tear rolls down my cheek. My chance is gone. I walk back into Rumble juice to grab my stuff. I can't keep enjoying this night like this. I quickly leave before anyone spots me. I walk to the secret beach around a rocky hill I once found. No one else is here. The scene replays over and over in my head.
"I'm sorry Garett...I"

I didn't get it. I felt something didn't she. I threw all my fears out the window as I climb down the flatter side of the hill. Rocks dug hard into my old brittle runners but I don't care. I reach the bottom and sit on a rock my the shore. The salty sea water washes at my feet. I look out into the waves, searching for an answer to my problems.


Hey guys
I'm so sorry for not updating for so long, my life has been REALLY busy!!!!
(I'll try to update again soon but it could be a little while cos I'm still really busy, sorry guys :(
I hope you enjoyed the twist, I didn't want them to just fall in love without some drama! :p :D
Thanks so much for reading and voting
Luv ya!
Bri :D

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