They're home!!!

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Now I know this photo has nothing to do with this chapter but this is a pic from drum beats and heart beats so cute!!!!

Lindy POV
"Um...never mind it's not important" I feel like I dropped a ton of bricks on myself. I swallow hard. KNOCK KNOCK

Logans POV
Oh no. It's mom and dad. Lindy goes and opens the door for them. I walk to the entrance. "Mom, Dad!" Lindy and I speak in sync. "Oh, I missed you kids" They come in and come to sit on the couch but before we get there, "Logan!what happened?!?" I look a Lindy. Take a deep breath. "Um...I Rumble Juice.....someone accidentally stuck there foot out... And WHAM I was on the ground" Well, technically it's not a lie. "Are you ok sweetie?" Mom puts here hand on my shoulder. "Yeah" and I tell how long it will take, at least she doesn't know what really happened.

Lindys POV
Well. At least he didn't really lie. This day has been tiring enough, so I can't be bothered ratting Logan out. My phone flashes as mom and dads go on about their trip. I just "go to the toilet" and check it out. I click to open the message and then my phone dies. "Noooooooooooo!" I whisper. Because the contact was Garrett. I walk back out (obviously stopping to put my phone on charge) and sit back on the couch.

Logans POV

KNOCK KNOCK I wonder who that is? Lindy opens the door. Oh no. Here comes trouble.

The promo for drum beats and heart beats comes out tonight!!!!! (Or next week, but hopefully tonight!)
Here's the plot: When Jasmine starts spending more time with Logan over drum lessons, she discovers she still has feelings for him, even though she is still dating Owen. Can't wait!!!
Sorry I took so long to update!
Luv Ya!
Bri :D

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