Nothing is Everything.

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Lindys POV
I unlock my phone and click on messages.

Please come to your balcony,
We need to talk

I run upstairs, not missing a beat. And fling open the door to my bedroom. I walk to the balcony. It's a white balcony with a strong tree in the ground that has grown up to be twined around the banister. I look up at the sky.
Where is he?

"I'm surprised you came" I look to see Garrett climb over the banister. How did he climb that tree? I know Logans done it before but I thought Garrett was too afraid.

Garett's POV
I just climbed the tree on Lindys balcony. I have to talk to Lindy and fix this before I go back to the sleepover.
"We need to talk"
"Um. Lindy, what do we do"
"...I don't know what to do to, I love being friends and I don't want to reck that"
"me too...does that mean we just stay friends..."
"...I guess so"
I envelop her in a hug. I know it's for the best but I can't help but be disappointed.

Because I love her and I don't want to lose her.

I follow Lindy back into her house. Her beautiful blonde hair cascades down the back of her shoulders. I want to hold her in my arms and never let go.

I just have to pretend nothing happened.

Even though everything happened.

Lindys POV

I wish I could cry. But I can't. Not in front of him.

I can feel the tears form in my eyes. I just swallow hard and hold them back. I turn back and walk into the house, Garrett on my heels. I take a breath and walk back down to the basement. Plaster a smile on my face.

"Lindy, Garrett just in time we were just about to start watching a movie"

I'm glad that they don't question us. Its been a hard enough day as it is. I grab a cushion and sit down, on the only seat free. I feel an arm brush mine, and electricity shocks my body. I look up and Garrett and my eyes catch each other. I feel my cheeks go red as I look away.

I have to pretend nothing happened.

Even though everything happened.

I don't think anyone really expected that!
Thanks to everyone!
Luv ya!
Bri :D

Ps I saw the premier of Bunk'd, lol Luke has to go to summer school because he "doesn't know how to spell either of those words" lol
Bunk'd is so good!
Emma and Xander are so cute together!!!

I also saw the second episode, Xanders song to Emma is adorable!

I also saw Girl-meets-yearbook, that is a really great but surprising episode!!!

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