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Cooking with Teucer is an absolute joy.  Ajax missed it, but even this simple joy can't distract him from his current problems. Actually, it just reminds him more of them. Specifically, the apron does.

Why did Zhongli give it to him? Did he want to keep his clothes from getting dirty? Is he getting some pleasure out of seeing Childe in it?

There is also the fact that he's wearing Zhongli's clothes too. Is that also related to the feelings thing?

Agh, his head is smoking.

Stop thinking about it, Childe, you have to make sure your brother doesn't burn the kitchen down.

At that moment, Teucer tugs on his apron. "Look, look! I formed some pelmeni!"

They look more like misshapen rocks but his brother made them, so they're cute and the best pelmeni he has ever seen. "They look great! Let's throw them into the water. Careful that you don't hurt yourself."

"Don't worry! I'm a big boy now." Teucer's cheeks puffed up and Ajax just wants to pinch them. "Look!" He places his creation into the hot water, looking proud of himself.

"Good job!" Ajax ruffles Teucer's hair and laughs brightly. "Let's make some more."

Teucer's excited shouts echo through the entire house. At least they don't have neighbors.

Watching Childe's brother run around in the kitchen is an absolute nightmare. Xiao twitches every time the child gets too close to the fire. He does not want the house to burn down. He is not worried.

In theory, Xiao is reading a book. In praxis, he's watching a child handle dangerous cooking utensils.

If Xiao ignores all of his feelings, they'll disappear. He is not worried.

"You don't seem all that impressed." Aether tells him. "You kinda look... worried."

He is not. "I'm not." Xiao hisses, closing the book with a loud snap. "It's irresponsible to let such a young child in the kitchen."

"Is it?" Aether tilts their head and peaks into the kitchen. "Childe seems like he's keeping a good eye on Teucer though."

Xiao practically growls, but before he can say anything Zhongli walks into their conversation without an invite and says more horrifying things Xiao doesn't want to process. "Ah, look how well he takes care of the young ones."

No, no, don't continue this train of thought, don't do this to Xiao don't DON'T-

"He would most definitely handle a baby with care, don't you think?" Xiao can practically see the hearts around Zhongli. He wants to scream. "To be able to kill a man without remorse and yet still be so gentle with their own family is an achievement only few can claim to have reached."

"Zhongli, please tone down the sap." Aether says with a sigh. Xiao could kiss them- wait no. "I think Xiao will explode if you continue."

"Am I being too forward?" Zhongli asks like he doesn't know how much Xiao wants to kill him right now. "I am simply being honest with my feelings."

"Be honest somewhere else." Xiao hisses through clenched teeth. "I'm reaching my capacity for sap this week."

"...It's Monday." Aether states. Xiao only glares at them. Aether raises their hands in surrender.

Zhongli shakes his head in disappointment. "It would be good for you if you were more honest to yourself, Xiao." Please no lectures. Xiao doesn't want to hear it. "Simply repressing your feelings won't make you happy."

"That won't stop me because I'm deaf." Xiao closes his eyes. If he wishes for it he can simply stop existing. That will solve all his problems-

Aether is poking his shoulder. Xiao cracks one eye open and glances at them.

Xiao hunts Childe for sportWhere stories live. Discover now