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Xiao wonders why he's doing this for Childe of all people. Well, it's partially for Zhongli too but it still sucks. Teucer is dragging him through the forest, earlier fear forgotten. Suddenly, he lets go of Xiao's hand and rushes to a nearby tree. Xiao almost trips over himself to follow the problem child.

"Look what I found!" Teucer excitedly shows him... a stick. It's a long stick but it's still just. A stick.

Xiao tries his best to look interested, which isn't much but he digresses. "Oh? What's that?"

Teucer waves it around, smiling brightly. "That's gonna be my sword! I'll protect you with it!" He's going to what now. "Cuz! You look kinda weak and Tonia said you have to protect weak people! Also, big brother promised me he'll show me how to fight when he gets home! This is like practice."

Xiao wants to scream. Does he really look... weak? Does he have too little muscles? Is it because he's so small? No, he isn't small, everyone else is just stupidly tall - but anyway.

Stay nice, Xiao. This is a child. The little brother of a former Fatui Harbinger. Also probably going to be part of Zhongli's family if he actually marries Childe.

Oh, man.

Xiao forces himself to smile, "That's... great. Your sister must be smart." He sounds so incredibly fake.

At least Teucer doesn't seem to notice. He nods enthusiastically, "Yep! She reads me stories sometimes!" He prattles on about his siblings and Xiao tries to remain nice.

It helps that the stories are genuinely very interesting and funny - especially once he realizes that Childe is spoiling these brats rotten. It's kind of sweet in a way - there are some hidden sides to that idiot after all.

Ugh, Childe is growing on him. Xiao wants to cry.

As if sensing his distress, he hears a twig breaking in the distance. Grateful for the interruption of his horrible awful bad bad thoughts, Xiao whirls around - only to see that Aether arrived on the scene, bored-looking Paimon flying behind them.

"How did you talk with Childe go?" Xiao doesn't bother with a greeting, taking on a more relaxed stance.

"Either they'll finally get together or they're gonna dance around each other even more than before." Aether replies with a shrug. They don't seem bothered in the slightest.

Paimon however, crosses her arm and huffs, "The moment those two blockheads actually talk their feelings out is when Paimon stops wanting to eat!"

Aether snorts. "You can say that again-"

"What do you mean feelings?" Teucer asks, wide-eyed and confused. Ah, fuck. Xiao knew he was forgetting about something. The boy gasps, suddenly excited. "Oh! Is it like how Tonia said?"

Xiao blinks, confused. "What did she say?"

"She said something about how brother keeps talking about mister Zhongli in his letters! She said he has a crush or something, but I didn't get it." Teucer frowns but then perks up. "Does that mean they'll do that kissy stuff our parents do?"

"I sure hope it's just that..." Aether mumbles quietly. Xiao will pretend he didn't hear that. "If they get together, yes. They still have to talk it out though."

There is a thoughtful look on Teucer's face. Xiao suddenly has a very bad feeling. "Why can't they just do that then? Is it hard? Can I help?"

That has the potential to turn out brilliantly or awfully. Xiao doesn't want to find out. He squats down, pats Teucer's head, and says, "This is an adult issue, alright? It's reaaaaaally hard. You can help if by being a good boy and cleaning up all your messes."

Xiao hunts Childe for sportOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora