Because I'm Pretty When I cry

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Peter quickly webbed up with villains weapons and landed in front of them. "Looks like I took all your ammo. Make sure you show your ID to the gun store so they can ban you from shopping!" Peter said in a fake cheerful tone. The pounding in his head had gotten better but was bugging him.

Even if he couldn't stand being Spiderman right now, New York needed him more than ever.

The villain glared at the male, "Don't you know that most people can't stand spiders? Why don't you like me smash you like the bug you are!" They roared as they managed to break out of the webbing that Peter tied him to.

"First of all, spiders aren't bugs. Second of all, take me on a date first." Peter bit back as he swung at the villain and knocked him out a few yards away.

Apparently being Spiderman was a great way to let out his aggression. 

"You know the world is full of uncertainty right now." The villain spoke with a smile as they stood up from being attacked.

Peter narrowed his eyes, "The world is always wondering about stuff. Why don't you tell me where you got your tech before I turn you into the police? It'll save everyone a lot of headaches." The male replied as he took a hero stance.

"You think that your all that don't you? Spiderman saves the day! Yell out for Spiderman and he'll come swinging!" The villain laughed as they powered up their suit. Peter stood up straighter and rolled his shoulders, ready for the big fight that was about to break out. 

"Did Iron Man not called out for you?"

Peter's heart stopped as he felt the blood drain from his face, "What?" He whispered with wide eyes.

"Is that why you let Iron Man die? You were there weren't you? Why didn't you do anything? How can someone who let the great Iron Man die, protect the citizens of New York?" The villain smirked. "You failed him didn't you?"

"You don't know what your talking about. Shut up and sit down. The police will be here soon. I won't let you hurt anyone else." Peter snapped with a voice of steel.

"Like how you hurt Iron Man?" The villain questioned, before they charged at the hero.

Peter felt his headache get worse and saw red as the villain moved to strike. "You asked for it then." 

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