But I Don't Mind, I've Got Much More Than That

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Peter unlocked the front door to the shared apartment with his Aunt and walked into with all the lights off. Feeling confused, he closed the door behind him and turned on the living room light. Aunt May was sitting in the dark on the couch, not saying a word.

"Jeez May. Give me a heart attack. Why are you sitting in the dark?" Peter questioned as he threw his keys down on the table and shrugged his backpack off. After having that long talk with Strange, the hero decided to head straight home. The day was already too exhausting the deal with. It seemed to drag on forever.

"Peter," May began as she stood up and placed herself a few feet away from the other. "You know that you can come to me about anything, right?" Peter slowly nodded in response, not understanding where the conversation was going. "I just, it's just that you've been having such a hard time lately. I don't know how to help you." 

Peter swallowed hard, "What do you mean?" He questioned, feeling the palms of his hands start to sweat.

May gave him a narrowed look, "Don't play coy with me young man. I know all about your nightly activies."


The woman gave her nephew a sigh, "Your not very good at hiding your emotions Peter. Listen, I'm not sure what your going through or how to help you. Just know that I'm here for you and I'm willing to listen. You gotta look out for each other, yeah?" May said with a soft smile.

Almost immediately Peter started to cry uncontrollably. May pulled her nephew into a hug and gently held him. "Shh, it's okay Peter. I got you, it's okay." She whispered as she swayed them back and forth. 

"It's too much May. I feel too much! I can't, it's just hard." Peter sobbed. And he hated it. How he never seemed to be in control of his emotions. Did that make him weak? Or still just a child? He couldn't tell anymore.

"I know sweetie. I know. Just take your time. You can tell me when your ready." May hushed him and pressed a kiss to his forehead. "It'll be okay." 

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