I'm Pretty When I Cry

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Screams were heard. That's the first thing Strange noticed once he got to the scene. The second thing he noticed was a bloodied Spiderman standing over someone who seemed to be begging for their life. Strange closed his eyes and took a deep breath before he decided to get involved in whatever was happening. 

"I'm sorry! I won't do it again. I'll turn myself into the police! I swear! Just let me go already!" The criminal begged, his face covered in blood with their suit broken down.

"Spiderman, stand down. You've done enough. Let the police take over now." Strange said in a formal tone. He stood behind the younger hero and crossed his arms. "Get yourself together. The world is watching you."

"Tony Stark didn't die by my hand. Don't you think that I'll do anything to bring him back? You don't know jack shit! Keep his name out of your filthy mouth. You don't deserve to remember him!" Peter screamed at the villain. 

"If you don't calm down Spiderman, I'll be forced to detain you." Strange warned the other hero.

"Shut up!" Peter turned and shouted at the sorcerer. "You don't know anything! Shut up, shut up, shut up!  I didn't bring the end to Iron Man. Thanos did!"

"We know Spiderman. We all know. Just calm down and get out of here. You've over stayed your welcome." Strange responded. 

"Look man, I won't even say his name anymore. I'll even turn myself in to the police. Just let me go." The villain continued to plead with the webbed hero.

Strange stared at Peter as he seemed to be thinking about his options. The hero let out an irritated sigh, "Don't even let his name cross your mind." He said and the villain immediately got up to their feet and ran to the nearest police car. 

Peter didn't look at the other male and just stared out into the open. not saying anything or moving. "Looks like we need to have a chat, Spidey." Strange broke the silence. 

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