I'm Stronger Than All My Men

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Peter walked in a grassy field, trying to remember where he was and what he was doing. This place seemed very familiar to him, but he couldn't seem to remember why. He walked further into the meadow, trying to gather an idea of where he was. 


The young male turned around and his eyes landed on a ghost. Tony Stark stood in front of him with a sad smile on his face. Peter could feel his heartbeat pick up at a rapid pace. Seeing Tony at his grave site was certainty one of the things he never wanted to see.  

The deceased hero turned his back and stared at his grave that laid behind him. "Isn't as flashy as one could've hoped, right? But I guess these things are more for the living rather than the dead." Tony spoke as he carefully began to rearrange the flowers that rested on his grave plate.

"Why do you keep following me? Leave me alone." Peter said with a frustrated sigh. 

"I'm worried about you Pete, you do tend to wear your heart on your sleeve." Tony replied as he stood up and faced the other. "I want you to get better before you do anything you might regret. Be that amazing Spiderman you always talked about."

Peter stared at Tony for awhile before replying. "I'm trying my best. I've always been trying my best. But I can't rise above you Tony. Even after al this time, people still are grieving you. You were more loved than you realized, Tony."

Tony smiled sadly, "A little too late I suppose. But, I know you'll do more amazing things than I ever could. Just keep that strong head on your shoulder and you'll be just fine."

A beat of silence then, "I really miss you Tony. I'll always miss you. But I think it's time for me to move on now." Peter spoke in a soft tone. 

"I know. I just wanted to say I'm proud of you Peter. You did good." 

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