All those little times you said that I'm your girl

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Peter felt the winds of New York City seep through his hero costume. He looked from in top of a buildings rood, and stared down onto the lively city. The world moved on and everything was almost as it had been before the death of Tony Stark.

It seemed cruel that everyone had moved on. Like Iron man wasn't a very important figure in the mass that was the world. That Tony Stark didn't give his life for everyone else. Peter felt a rush of rage go through him, how dare they act like that. They had no right!

"I can almost feel the fire behind your stare." 

Peter jerked from his standing position and found himself face to face with Doctor Strange. The younger male hasn't seen the wizard since Tony died. "Another end of the world mission?" Peter questioned, looking back at the skyline of the city.

"Nope," Strange replied, popping the p for extra effect, "Just came by the check up on you. Can't be easy to see the things you saw." 

Peter let out a snort, "I can handle myself just fine. Thanks for your wellness check though." 

Strange hummed and stood next the webbed hero, "The avengers are worried about you. You haven't been to any meetings. Don't call or hangout." 

"So? I don't have to do anything if I don't want to. Nothing is mandatory." The younger male growled out.

"It's not," Strange agreed, "But you are standing on the ledge of a building looking like you want to do something." When Peter didn't respond, the sorcerer sighed. "I just want to help."

"I don't need a damn shrink." Peter said before webbing away. 

"Not what I meant you little brat." Strange mumbled, watching the younger hero swing from building to building. 

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