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The prince had taken her to a part of town that was quainter, quieter, street lights emitting a faint glow and silence engulfing all but one structure. As he opened the door for her, he revealed a tavern that was booming with instrumental music.

As they entered, all eyes were on them. It seemed as though different creatures like orcs, elves, gnomes, goblins, and ogres were all gathered in that location.

"I never get used to things like these." She breathed out to him, gaze wandering all over. She stumbled over and her back hit something hard when she lost her balance. A few gasps escaped from some folk. "Oh, sorry."

As she turned, the music stopped, and she could sense whoever she bumped into do the same. She met eyes with an orc, skin a light blue, covered in armor, jaw protruding with huge teeth. He growled to the rest of the orcs on his table.

"What're you doin' here?" His voice was gruff, almost like a growl. There was a permanent frown fixed on his face. Heskit quickly stood alongside her. "Your highness,"

"Well..." she crossed her arms and looked at her feet sheepishly. "It's my birthday."

He continued on staring at her with a squint in his eyes, and there was a pregnant pause. She got ready to fight, and the orc took a gulp of his beer.

"Well d'you hear that? She said it's her birthday!" His voice boomed around the room and he leaned back. His face turned cheerful as he lifted his cup. "It's a celebration! Turn the music on, would ya!"

The crowd erupted into cheers as the music began to play again. The people went back to the dance floors as the orc's table let out a laugh. She turned to Heskit, confused, and he gave her a smile in return. He was about to sit by the bar when he realized she quickly disappeared.

The prince spotted the sorcerer by a table surrounded by ogres and humans— she was completely enamored by a certain magician that was pulling a handkerchief out of a woman's ear. The man had silvery hair, pale skin, silver eyes, and Ann overall intriguing and striking look to him.

"I'd think this was a little below your area of expertise, don't you?" There was slight amusement in his voice but his gaze was hot on the man. Hazel absentmindedly gave a laugh and pushed past the crowd.

The man spotted the sorcerer and held a finger up, then walked up to her. He held a set of cards up for everyone to see and held the spread to her. She picked one out and held it up, then he pulled a single, red rose out of it.

"Woah!" She exclaimed cheerfully as the crowd gasped. She turned to Heskit and pointed to the flower and smelled it. "He got me a flower!,"

"A little dull, if you ask me. And so did I." He bobbed his head to the golden flower pinned to her chest. He quickly offered his arm to her when he saw the man approaching.

"Your Highness, Master Wolfe." The man greeted and gave the both of them a deep bow.

"Kane, delightful seeing you here again." Heskit greeted him with a firmer than necessary handshake. Hazel offered her hand as well, and he took it, then kissed the top of her palm.

"Master Wolfe, I'm enchanted." He greeted with a smile and a twinkle in his eye. "Had I known such an estimable guest was gonna be here, I wouldn't' have performed at all,"

"Are you kidding me? That was so cool! How did you do that?!" She almost gawked, her eyes doubling in size. Kane was taken aback by this and let out an entertained laugh.

"A magician never reveals his secrets, I'm sure you can relate." He gave her a nudge and a wink and she shook her head.

"Not a magician, a ward." Heskit corrected a little snappily. He turned to Hazel "of the south,"

THE APPRENTICE IIWhere stories live. Discover now