Chapter 1

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He gasped and opened his eyes. He couldn't see a damn thing. He lit his lighter and looked around. He was in a pine box. He had to get out. He pushed at the top of the box. Dirt fell into his face. Déjà vu.

After he broke free from the box he crawl through 6 feet of dirt. When his hand reached fresh air he felt someone grab his hand and pulled him rest of the way up. He was disoriented. He looked at the man who pulled him out of the ground.


"Hello, Dean." Cas said with tears in his eyes. Dean could feel tears try to bubble up in his eyelids but he was severely dehydrated. "Let's go get you something to drink."

Dean looked around to find they were in Bobby's Salvage Yard. He stood there looking at his husband. He smiled. "Hey, baby." Dean rasped out and lunged forward and wrapped his arms around Cas.

Cas helped Dean into Bobby's house. He sat Dean down and walked over to the fridge and grabbed a water and handed it to Dean. He sucked the whole water down. Cas sat down in the chair across from him.

"What year is this?"


" '31? I was gone for 5 years?"

"Yeah, a lot has changed since then. You wanna explain?" Cas asked.

"Cas, Riley was dying. I couldn't let her die, I just couldn't. You have to understand that."

"You wanna know how terrified you made everyone? Yes, you saved Riley but you sacrificed yourself."

Dean looked at Cas. "I'm sorry. I truly am. I still had pregnancy brain. I was stressed and freaking out, just like when Sam died. I had to let her live her life even if that means losing mine."

"It took me and Gabe 5 years to figure out a way to bring you back and away from Crowley. Your soul was torn to shreds. Alex and Lexi couldn't face another death. Aaron, Phoebe, and Shiloh had to grow up without their Dad."

Dean looked down at his hands. "What about Riley? Candice?"

"Went to college, found a guy, they are engaged. Their wedding is in a few months."

"What is she majoring in?"

"Business. She is at one of the Universities here in Sioux Falls. She helps Bobby run the Salvage yard so she can stay close to the family."

That was the moment when Bobby walked into the kitchen. "I thought I heard Cas in here, but I couldn't tell who he was with." Bobby said before looking straight at Dean. "Dean?"

"Hey, Bobby. When can I start up working here again?" Dean said as he rose to his feet. Bobby walked over to him and pulled Dean into a hug.

"Ya Idjit."

Dean smirked and pulled out of the old drunks grasp. Bobby just stared at Dean. "I know right, Cas is awesome."

That's when Bobby's fist connected with the side of Dean's face. "You know how much of a can a whop ass I should open on you?"

"Hey, enough, Bobby." Cas said standing up and getting in front of Bobby. "He saved Riley, that's what matters."

Bobby calmed down and Cas moved out of the way. "What do you remember from Hell?" Bobby asked.


"Care to explain?"

"No, I just want to forget what happened for those 500 years or only 5 fucking years."

"It's ok, Dean. You don't have to explain to us. Let's get you home. All the kids have left for school. It's still pretty early. Not even noon yet. How about you go take a shower and clean up and rest for a little while before they come home?"

Dean nodded and looked at Bobby. "Good seeing you again, Bobby. I probably deserved more than that swing."

"Go home, boy, before I knock you into next Wednesday."

Cas grabbed Dean's hand and they walked home. "How's Sam?"

"Still kinda depressed over to whole thing. He hasn't been the same since you left. He put a mask on when he's around Jimmy and Deanna, or our kids but me and Gabe can see right through it. He looks at Alex and he see you. He looks a whole lot like you, Dean."

"Oh right, Alex and Lexi are 18."

"Yep, Oh know how everyone say Riley looks like you?"

"Yeah?" Dean smiled.

"Lexi looks like me. She grew her hair out real long and it dark, dark brown. She has crystal blue eyes-"

"Does she do you squinty thing? Slightly cocking her head to the side."

"Now that I think about it, yes. Is that what I really do?"

Den laughed. "Yes, and I love it."

"Aaron has grown to look like me as well. Phoebe strangely enough looks similar to Sam."

Dean laughed, throwing his head back. "Yep, Winchester genes. How about my little sheep?"

"Still tiny. I'd say she is a mix of you and me. She has your eyes, my hair, your lips, my nose, your posture, and my manners."

"Wow, she's like the perfect human then."

"They are all perfect."

"I know, they are. I can't wait to see them. So what took you so long to pull me out of the pit again?"

"Crowley had you under lock and key. Gabriel and I, along with Sam researched and researched until Sam one day found the crossroad where you made the deal. He talked with the demon and got the whole scoop."

"How long did it take you to find my body?" Dean asked as they stopped on the front porch.

"You died at midnight. I found out by a nurse at 3:37 in the morning."

"Why did it take so long to find you and tell you I died?"

"No one heard the hellhounds, no one noticed you dead in the car. Around 3 Sam came by to bring Riley a change of change for the next when he spotted the Impala. He saw someone in the car. When he looked inside he saw you torn to shreds. Your eyes were still open. Sam ran for help but by then you were long gone." Cas was crying again.

"No, No, no, no more tears. I'm here. I'm living again. I'm breathing air. I'm not going to leave you again."

"You say that now but how many am I going to have to pull you out of perdition when one of our kids are dying?"

"Don't say that, Cas. I'd sacrifice myself in a second for you or Sam, my kids, and even Gabe"

"I know, I just don't want to bury you again."

"I don't want to die again."

Cas smiled as Dean wiped away Cas's tears. "Go take a shower."


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