Chapter 14

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Months Later...

Lexi was now 6 months pregnant. Dean was definitely still not happy about them running away because they assumed they would get kicked out. It was different though. Dean was different. He definitely changed after that day 2 months ago. He was lashing more. Bobby wasn't going to have that. In one week Dean came home with a black eye, a busted lip, and a bruised cheekbone.

On the bright side Dean was sleeping in the bed with Cas now. He became sterner with the kids. He never broke any of the kids promises anymore, but was also more strict.

Cas woke up to an empty bed. It was becoming a normal thing again. Except this time Cas would hear retching in the bathroom. Shortly after they got Alex and Lexi home Dean started getting sick. "Dean? Are you ok?" Cas sat up in the bed.

The toilet flushed and Dean emerged from the bathroom looking pale and miserable. "'M fine. Go back to sleep. I have to get to the garage soon. I'm also taking the triplets to school. Riley and Ben are coming over after their classes to plan this trip they are going on next week. Riley wants your help."

"Come on, Dean. Lay down for a moment. You look sick. You can't just keep going on like this. Don't think I didn't hear you throwing up in there."

"I'm fine, baby. Trust me." Dean sighed. Cas caught a glance of Dean tightening his fist.

"Calm down, Dean. I see you balling your fist up. What has been going on with you? 2 months ago you were bottling everything up on the inside and sleeping in closets. Now you have lashing out at everyone, you have become more strict with the kids and you just seem different, and don't get me started on the getting sick part."


"Don't Cas me, Dean. What's going on with you?"

"I-I think..."

"You think what?"

"I think we are going to have kids number 7."

Cas was stunned. He didn't know how to respond to that. He didn't think he could handle another kids with Lexi pregnant and all.

"Along with all the lashing out...I don't know. I black out during them. I don't remember doing it and I either get punched by Bobby back into reality or I pass out."

"I'll have Gabriel look at you later tonight, lay down for right now. I'll take everyone to school and I'll call in for you at the garage and say you can't work."

Dean nodded untying his shoes. Cas crawled across the bed to his husband. "When was your last lash out?"

"Three days ago."

"Maybe they are going away."

"I hope so." Dean said lay back on the bed.

Cas smiled and place a hand on Dean's belly. "Are you sure we are ready for #7?"

"I think so, I'm more worried if Alex and Lexi can handle taking care of their #1."

"I heard them talking about finding their own place down the street."

"That's fine, but they are paying for it."

"Gabe will probably mojo some furniture."

"Whatever. Go take the youngings to school, Papa bear."

Cas smirked and then kissed his husband and walked out of the room in just grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt and socks.


2 ½ Months Later...

"Make it stop!" Lexi yelled through the house.

"Lexi just breathe." Cas said holding her hand.

"Where's Dad? Alex?" Lexi panicked.

"Dad called 5 minutes ago says he was almost to the campsite where Alex is staying at."

"Papa! This hurts so bad."

"It's ok, sweetheart. Uncle Gabe is right next door he will be here any second to check on you."

Lexi squeezed Cas's hand hard and moaned loudly.

2 hours passed and Dean signs of Dean or Alex. Cas hadn't received a call from either of them yet. Gabe had come by to check on her. She was 6 centimeters. That was an hour ago.

"Papa! I can't do this. I need Alex! I need Daddy!" Lexi moaned as Gabe entered the room again.

"Let Gabe check you out again and I'll call Dad." Lexi nodded and Cas left the room.

Cas dialed Dean's number and after 2 rings Dean answered. "Cas?"

"Dean, where are you?"

"How's Lexi doing?"

"She'll be having the baby really soon. You and Alex need to be here, now."

"That's going to be a problem."


"Alex wasn't there. The counselor said he was supposed to be here, but never showed up. I have called all his friends and all of Lexi's friends...he's disappeared. I checked his GPS on his phone and he turned that off as well. He wanted to leave."

"Lexi's not going to like that."

"Yeah, well, I'm about 15 minutes away from home."

Gabe stuck out his head. "Cas, Lexi's fully dilated. There's no more time to wait for Alex or Dean."

"Dean, you gotta come faster, Lexi's about to start pushing."

"Well, fuck speed limit anyway."

"Don't get arrested."

"I'm a Winchester, clean drivers licenses and wanted to multiple murders."

"Hurry up, I gotta go."

Cas hung up and walked into Lexi's room. After 10 minutes of pushing Dean burst through the doors and over to Lexi. 20 minutes later Lexi has a son. Dean and Cas had a grandson. Lexi didn't ask any questions at first. Cas cleaned her up as Dean cleaned the baby boy, that Lexi named Robert Jonathan Winchester. Lexi fell asleep once she was put to bed. That gave Dean and Cas time to hunt down they very unintelligent son.

"Where else could he be?"

"Anywhere that gets him far enough away from Lexi. He chickened out on his new son and sister." Dean remarked.

"Dean, we have to find Alex."

"I know, but he doesn't want to be found."

"What are we going to do?"

"Let him go. He doesn't want to be here with his family, who's to say that he will stay when we find him. I think the smart idea will be to just let him go."

"Dean, that's our son you're talking about. Our oldest son."

"You don't think I know that, I gave birth to the kid. What other choice do we have?"

Cas was silent then nodded. "Will let him go for now? We'll keep our feelers out and if we even get a small scent of Alex we are finding him."

Dean nodded. "Now how are we going to tell Lexi that Alex ran out on her and their son?"

"Be blunt and just let it out."

"She's going to either hate us or Alex or both."

"I know, but it has to be done." Cas nodded.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2015 ⏰

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