Chapter 12

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Once Cas and Dean were on the road he called Sam.


"Hey there, little brother."

"Oh Dean, you sound calm...what did you do?"

"Don't get your panties in a twist, Sammy. I'm not mad at you, Gabe or Bobby. I didn't do anything to you. I just wanted to ask if you could do me a favor."


"We know where Alex and Lexi are. We are going to be gone a while and-"

"You want me and Gabe to watch after the kids?"

"That would be lovely."

"Shure, I'll call Riley and tell her I'll pick them up."

"Is she going to Bobby's after class at the college?"

"Not today. So where are they?"

"Asheville, North Carolina and moving."

"why don't' you use angel teleportation?"

"Because I want them scared when I get ahold of them. I want to sit in the back seat mentally freaking out waiting for their punishment for the whole 20 hour drive back."

"That's morbid."

"They deserve it."

"True, but Dean I think you sprung a leak somewhere in your head."

"I'm perfectly insane."

"You have never been perfectly insane. You are the poster boy for mental instability."


"I'm just saying don't scare them too much."

"No, promises."

"Call me when you catch up with them."

"Will do." Dean hung up.

Dean slipped his phone into his pocket. He knew it was going to be a long car trip. Cas and Dean sat in a comfortable silence for the first few hours of the trip. Then Cas decided to break the silence.

"What did you do in Hell for those 293 years you weren't being tortured?"


"You never told me. You were going to but never did. We got interrupted. With the time you spent being tortured by Crowley and the total time you were there I subtracted and got 293. What were you doing down their if Crowley wasn't torturing you? You said that Crowley gave you an offer just like Alastair did but it was not the same offer. What was it then?"

"It's hard to explain, Cas." Dean said with fear in his voice.

"You can tell me anything, even if it is bad. Just tell me what happened down in the pit."

Dean thought for a moment and cleared his throat. "I became Crowley's bitch. He told me that I could stop the torture if he did whatever he wanted to me." Dean pulled over on the side of the road. "For two hundred and seven fucking years I told him to cram it with walnuts. On that end of that last day that demon wearing your sexy ass just looked at me and he looked exactly like you, your crystal blue eyes that shimmer in the sunlight, they were exactly the same to you. I lost it. I gave up. Crowley won."

Cas didn't respond. He wasn't angry. He wasn't disappointed. He was proud that his will and soul was strong enough to let him last 207 years. He didn't care was Crowley had done to Dean. He didn't care that maybe at some point Dean started to like it, because he knew that Dean loved Cas more than anything. Dean would do anything for Cas.

"Crowley chained me to the bed, spread eagle, butt naked, for the world underworld to see. Crowley is one kinky son of a bitch. Any type of fetish you kind think of he did to me. After 146 years of that he got bored. He started messing with my head. The only place he wouldn't mess with me was in the closet or bathtub. Stupid, it was so stupid. It was like he gave me a break when I was in the closet or tub. After a year of mental torture he gave me another offer. I would do anything to stop the madness. It was to torture souls and do his dirty work."

"And you said yes, I'm guessing." Cas said wrapping his arm around Dean.

Dean nodded. It was different this time, Cas. I couldn't remember what it felt like to be human. It was like I was turning into a demon. I was losing whatever hope I had left in thinking you would get me out of there. When I came to in the pine box I didn't feel like the same guy before I went to Hell. I had changed and probably for the worse. I tried to kept in bottled up and hide it. I just want to feel normal again. I want to find Alex and Lexi and live our normal life again. I want to be able to sleep in my own bed with you. I want to be able to sleep without having nightmares."

Cas held Dean tighter. "Everything will be ok, Dean. The past is the past and there is nothing we can do about it. Cas pulled Dean out of the Impala and teleported it back home.

"What the Hell, Cas?"

"You are in no condition to drive. We are doing this my way, Dean."

"Ok, ok, let's find our children."


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