Chapter 11

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Cas sat in Dean and his favorite diner that next morning. He was lucky enough for Bobby to let him sleep on his couch for the night. He had never seen Dean act like that before, then again Cas has never acted like that either. Dean was right to be upset. Cas hid from Dean.

Pamela came up to his table and refilled his coffee. He had been there since 8 in the morning. She sat across from Cas in the booth and looked at him. "What's wrong, Cas? Where's your boo thing?"

"He should be here in a little while."

"Did you two get in a fight?"

"Something like that." Cas smirked. Pamela smiled and got up and walked back to the counter.

Cas stared at the door, waiting for his lover to walk in and spot him. It felt like he was sitting there for an eternity, but finally he saw his husband's face. Cas was sitting in their normal booth. Den searched the place until he spotted his partner even though he knew right where he would be. He walked over to the table and slid into the booth.

"Hey, baby." Cas said with a half smile.

"How's you sleep?" Dean asked as Pamela walked up.

"Good morning, Dean."

"Hello, Pam."

"Cas told me you and him got into a little can of worms."

"You could say that. We are going to sort things out."

"Want your regular?"

Dean nodded as she walked off. He turned to look at Cas. "So how'd you sleep?"

"It was Bobby's couch, it wasn't own bed with you."

"If it helps any, I slept in the closet."

"It doesn't. Dean, I' m sorry. Really, I wasn't in my right mind. You can tear me a new one. I deserve it."

"You could have at least called me."

"I know, I know. I was freaking out, and you were passed out."

"You don't think I was freaking out? I was going mad because you weren't home, neither was Sam, Gabe, Bobby, Alex, Lexi, my baby...I was going insane."

"I should have called I know, I'm sorry. Can we just forgive and forget?"

"I'm having a hard time doing that, Cas. This isn't the first time you have done this to me."

"I know-

"I'm hearing a lot of that, lately. You have to understand there is no I in us. We need to talk to each other before doing something. I'm not saying that I haven't done some stupid shit because I have. I have done some very stupid shit."

"Can those things just be water under the bridge? Alex and Lexi are still gone. I just want to find them and I don't want you angry at me. You're the last person to hate me."

Dean smiled at Cas. Dean took Cas's hands into his own, just like he did last night. "I love you, I will never hate you. I'm a hunter, I track things for a living. We are going to find them."

Cas knew that that was Dean's way in forgiving him and he was ok with that. Cas stood slightly still in the booth seat lead over the table and crashed his lips into Dean's. Dean kissed back. Cas pulled back and sat down. "I love you too."

Pamela came up with Dean's breakfast and she had a big smile on her face. "Aw, you guys are adorable. So I'm guessing you patched this up."

Dean smiled and looked over at Cas. "We're getting there."

"I'm glad to see that. I hate it when you two are upset."

"We hate it too." Cas smiled.

"Could you tell me what's going on that made you fight?"

Cas looked at Dean and Dean mirrored Cas. "Alex and Lexi ran away."

"Oh my God, I just saw them the other day. Not yesterday but the day before. They came around 1:45 ate quickly and left. I didn't even think to ask where they were headed. I'm sorry."

Dean face lit up like a light bulb. "Fuck, why didn't I think of this?" Dean quickly stood and dropped a 20 on the table. "Thank you, Pam. Come on, Cas. We got to go."

"See you later."

Dean walked to the Impala and Cas got in the passenger seat and Dean quickly drove home. Once home he dashed up the porch and flung the door open and ran to the computer. He grabbed his phone a dialed a number Cas didn't recognize.

"Hello, I was wondering if you could turn my daughter's GPS on her phone on. She ran off last night for some concert. She is diabetic and if she doesn't get her insulin, I...I don't know what I would do."

"Thank you, I'm just logging in right now." Dean hung up.

"Asheville, North Carolina? Why the Hell are they there?"

"Getting as far away from us as possible. If we raised them right, which we did, they will change their names and cover their tracks pretty good. It's going to be hard."

"Well, I know two things, they need money and they have a baby on the way. They also need sleep so that should slow them down a tad."

"It will be faster if we fly there."

"No, we're doing this the old fashion way."

"How do you think they are going to get money for gas or food or a motel room even?"

"They are Winchesters." Dean said as he stood up and walked upstairs to pack for a long trip.


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