Chapter 2

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Once Dean was out of the shower he got dressed in fresh clothes and walked downstairs. Cas was reading on the couch. "Hey."

Cas looked up. "Hey, lookin good, sexy."

Dean smiled and walked over to Cas and sat beside him and kissed his forehead. "I'm going to take my sexy ass and go over to Sammy's. I'm dying to see him...well not actually dying but I need to see him."

"Go ahead. You might get punched."

"I deserve it. Hey, does Riley still live here?"

"No, she moved into an apartment with her fiancé with Candice."

"You said she helped Bobby, so she should be at Bobby's sometime soon right?"

"Yep, tomorrow afternoon."

"I'll see you later." Dean said kissing Cas then standing up.

Dean walked out of the house and over to Sam's house. He knocked on the door and saw Sam. The second he laid eyes on Dean he froze. "Hiya, Sammy."

Sam's jaw hung up.

"Don't worry, Sammy, it's really me. Gabe and Cas brought me back."

"Dean?" Sam pulled Dean into a hug.

"Today is a hugging day."

"Dean-o!" Gabe said walking out of the kitchen.

"Hey, Gabriel."

"It's good to see you out of the pit. The things Crowley did to you."

"You saw everything that happened down there?"

"Yep, I had to keep an eye on you."

Dean looked over to Sam. "Hey, Sammy, could you get me a beer?"

"Yeah, sure." Sam walked into the kitchen.

Dean watched him leave before turning to Gabe. "Don't tell Sam. Please, don't tell him."

"What? The things are did down there. I haven't told him. I won't tell him, that's your job."

"I know, I just...I just have to find the right time."

Sam walked back out. "Here you go."

"So how the Deanna, the little baby I carried for 9 months?"

"She's great. We have told her all about you."

"You, Jimmy and Deanna should come over for supper with the family. Cas could call Riley and I can meet her fiancé and see my little granddaughter."

"Sounds perfect."

"Alright, tonight, 8 o'clock."

Dean smiled as he walked outside. He walked back inside. He looked at the clock as he walked into his house. '2:54'

Dean walked upstairs and laid down on his bed and closed his eyes. Once Dean was asleep Cas walked upstairs to find him asleep, not peacefully but asleep. His eyebrows were arched in and he was frowning in his sleep.

Dean turned over and mumbled something. He kept mumbling words. Then the yelled started. "No...No!"

Cas was startled. He jumped back. "Crowley, no." Dean yelled.

Cas slid onto the bed and put his hands on Dean's shoulder. "Dean, baby, wake up." Dean's eyes shot open and he lunched backwards until he hit the headboard. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, Dean. It's me, Cas."

Dean's eye shot back and forth through the room. His eyes screamed terror. Dean's breathing was heavy. He was sweating profusely. He was shaking. Dean's eye connected with Cas's. "Cas..."

"I'm right here, baby."

Dean still looked terrified. "I...I...I just need a minute."

"Ok, you want me to stay here?"

Dean shook his head. He brought his knees up to his chin. Cas slowly got up and walked back downstairs where Alex walked through the door with the triplets shortly behind. Alex saw Cas first.

"Hey, Pa." Alex said before he noticed something was wrong. "Papa, what's wrong?"

Cas looked at Alex and smiled. "Nothing is wrong."

"Then why do you look like you saw a ghost?"

"Where is Lexi?"

"She went to Dad's grave. She had a bad day and needed to cool down."

"I have to tell you something about your father."


"Come sit down on the couch. I'll go find Lexi."

Cas walked out of the house and over to Bobby's car lot where they had buried Dean. Lexi was sitting there. She looked concerned.

"What's wrong, Lex?"

"Something's wrong with Dad's grave. It looks like someone dug a hole straight down."

"Everything is fine, with Dad's grave, Lexi. Come on home. I have something to tell you."


"I want to tell you with the rest of the family."

Lexi stood up and walked with her father back to the house. Once they were inside Cas walked into the living room where he saw Alex and the triplets sitting on the couch. Lexi sat on the floor propping on her brothers leg. Cas walked upstairs and into the bedroom again. Dean wasn't in the room. "Dean?"

He looked in the master bathroom and he wasn't there. Cas heard something rustling in the closet. He opened to find Dean in the corner of the closet balled up. "Cas?"

"What are you doing in here?"

Dean just looked at Cas. He still had that fear in his eyes. "It was too bright in the bedroom."

"Come on, the kids are home."

Dean held out his hand. Cas helped him to his feet. Dean laced his finger with Cas's. Cas walked Dean downstairs and didn't even say a word when he walked into the living room. Dean tightened his grip on Cas's hand when his eyes met with Lexi.

"Dad!" Alex and Lexi gasped in unison. They both shot up.

Dean was quiet and looked at Cas. Dean eyes went from terrified to happy in half a second. "Hey, Alex, Lexi. You've grown so big."

"It's been 5 years, Dad." Alex said.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I was gone."

"It's ok, we know you saved Riley. Don't apologize. We're just glad you're back." Lexi said as she hugged her father. Dean's heart just melted. He smiled and ran his fingers through her hair.

"I'm glad to be back, sweetie."


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