Panic | Aaron Hotchner

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❧ REQUEST BY Anon: could you please do an aaron hotchner fluff<3 maybe an angst start and fluff ending? bcuz im getting sad with all the hotch angst fic im seeing ifjeihfidhsv

❧ Pairings: Aaron Hotchner x Wife!Reader

❧ Featuring: Aaron Hotchner, Y/n, Unnamed baby, Nurses.

❧ Summary: Aaron is in a state of dismay over y/n being in hospital.

❧ Warnings: Fluff, angst?, errors I missed, I suck at titles, baby, hospitals, rude nurse.

❧ w/c: 405

A/N: I encourage you to leave feedback, it would mean a lot to me!

Aaron felt like his heart was caught in his throat, as he entered the hospital. Tears flowed from his eyes. thinking the worst had happened to you and the unborn baby you were carrying.

He quickly rushed to the nurse's station. Hands landed on the hard surface harder than he intended them to.

"Where is she?" He asked. A look of panic in his eyes. the nurses looked at him. One was lacking empathy in her expression, and that irritated him.

"Who is she?" The nurse who lacked empathy asked. Aaron sucked in a deep breath. Giving her a deadpan look.

"Y/n Hotchner, she came in here in an ambulance, she is pregnant, who is she? Who is my baby? What room is she in? And watch your tone," He responded, his voice turning stern with his last sentence.

The other nurse interjected.

"Y/n and the baby are perfectly fine, she is in room twenty-one, down the hall," A nurse informed him.

"Thank you," He replied. He flashed her a small smile. Before hightailing it to room twenty one.

He opened the door. Seeing you on a hospital bed holding a small newborn. You looked up to see who opened the door. You smiled softly as your eyes met with Aarons.

He let out a relieved sigh. Glad the worst didn't happen. Though he was kind of upset he wasn't there for the birth.

He rushed over to you. Tears of joy in his eyes as he took in the sight of his baby.

"It's a girl," You spoke. Voice hoarse.

Aaron sat next to you. His left arm wrapped around your shoulders. While his right hand rested on the blanket his daughter was wrapped in.

He looked down at her with so much love. You smiled lovingly at him. Then looked back at your daughter. Heart fluttering.

"I am so sorry for missing the birth of our daughter," He spoke.

"It's all good, you are here now," You spoke. Your gaze adverted away from the little bundle of joy in your arms to look at Aaron. Only to find out he was already looking at you.

"I love you," Aaron spoke. Making your heart skip a beat.

"I love you too," You spoke. Both of you shared a look of love. Then looked back at his/your daughter. Hearts warming at the sight of her, as she was sound asleep wrapped up in a blanket...

❧ I encourage you to leave feedback, it would mean a lot to me!

Criminal Minds x Reader[𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐒 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃]Where stories live. Discover now