Tutor love - SEVENTEEN S.coups

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A/N: Mum has decided to come back once again in the evening. I swear to god, I'm never going to catch up with everything in time. In this rate, I'm going to be here until July at least. 

Anyway, let's get started!!!!


"And that's all we need to know about today." S.coups said. 

(A/N: Totes boyfriend material.)

I sighed happily closing my notebook in peace

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I sighed happily closing my notebook in peace. S.coups is my personal tutor for all the school subjects that I'm stuck in. Yes, I go to school, but more of a private school since I can't interact with other socials much. 

Anyway, not only is his teaching method really intresting and fu, but it's obviously he really likes the material and will try to help me look at them with a more apprecative apporach. Right now, there is a test that is happening 2 months from now and it's highly important to pass it because of I don't, I can't even bare the thought about it. 

"Jeez, I feel like my brain is hitting itself through a brick wall." I complained. 

"*laughs* Trust me, this is going to become very well of your liking." He said.

"I hope so, I don't know how much more of this I can take." I said. 

This took him by surprise for some reason. 

"Wait, are you saying you don't like my teaching methods?" He asked, feeling disappointed. 

I immedatiely took back what I said and tried to explain it better, but instead he just laughed at me. Seeing that I fell for his joke, I smacked his arm lightly.

"You jerkface!" I exclaimed. 

"Aw, come on. Take a joke, why don't you?" He asked, holding the part I hit him. 

I let out a chuckle before packing up all of my stuff and leaving. He watched me from behind and sighed happily. 

Man, it can't get any better than this......

The next day came by and he is waiting paitently by looking at the clock on the wall. It has read almost 16:15 and the session is supposed to start 10 minutes ago. 

Where is she? It's not most likely for her to be late.

Soon he heard some pacing footsteps and he looked to see her all out of breath. 

I paced down along the along the way and into the tutoring room where he is. I would have made it sooner, but our teacher decided to give the students overtime just because someone won't even hand a phone. And for that, we all have to pay the price over staying over. 

"I'm so sorry, Seungcheol.... I hope I'm not too late." I said.

"Hey, it's okay. I wasn't waiting for you long, I'm just glad that you're here." He said. 

"You really don't mind?" I asked. 

"Totally, my princess. Now let's get started for this studying session." He replied. 

I nodded and got all of my stuff through my backpack. 

After a couple of hours, we're finally finished for the day once again.  

"That's all that we have to offer for today." He said, 

I kicked nack from my chair and gave out a big stretch. 

"Wow, who ever knew that the two elected presidents from North Carolina and South Carolina have such a demanding, but also a dangerously beayutiful syengery to each other?" I asked. 

"Believe it or not, it actually happened." He shrugged, making me laugh. 

Then I looked at the clock and saw that it's 17:50. 

"You know we could have finished a bit sooner if that teacher didn't held us back." I said, rolling my eyes at the thought. 

"What happened?" He asked. 

"Someone's phone went off, the teacher got mad and demanded it to be at her desk but no one did so that's the reason why I'm late." I replied. 

"Oh, I see." He said. 

We both started to pack up the stuff for today and I left once again. 

A month and half later, I felt like I wasn't feeling my best today. When I saw Seungcheol, he could immedatiely guess that something's wrong, but I assured him that it's all good. 

I don't want to make him worried about my health, but I just can't help it as my mind keeps running around with thoughtd and what ifs. 

"And so, the reason 2x + 3 is not actually impossible to solve because.... *notices thtat you're not listening* Princess Y/N?" He asked. 

I snapped out of my thoughts and picked up a little pencil before jotting down on some notes.

"Yeah, don't worry. I'm listening." I said. 

"I can tell something's on your mind for a while now. Would you like to share it with me?" He asked, "It's okay if you don't want to talk about it." 

"I'm just worried I won't even pass this test. This test is more than test, it shows on how it will rank my intellgience in total. If it's not at 95% or more, then people might hate me and my parents will disown me.... and.... *starts to cry* I--- I won't be compatiable to be the queen...." 

He went over and gave me a big hug. It took me by surprise, but I returned the hug. His warm embrace is enough for me to know that no words are needed for this sweet moment. After a while, he finally spoke. 

"We've worked all day every day for this test. You're going to do absoutely incrediblea and I know it because I believe in you. You'll do great at this. *sighs* You've always have from the beginning." He confessed. 

I looked up at him and he took my hands into his. 

"Have I ever told you that I have always liked you secretly? That's why I'm glad that we can have these study sessions. But my heart thought that you only like me in a study way and not more than that." He said sadly. 

I wiped away my tears away. 

"No, that's no true. I always like you too and I'm happy that we can take things to the next level. Plus, I always love our little study times too." I said earnstly. 

He smiled and and places a small kiss on the forehead melting away my worries and struggles.

"How about we take a break and we can get something to eat, hmm? You must be starving." He said.

"You have no idea." I said, making him giggle. 


A/N: Isn't that so sweet? 

See you next time!!!!


PEACE OUT!!!!!!!

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