The Dodgy Road Trip - NCT 127 Yuta

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A/N: Well, I don't know about what I dreamt again last night, but yeah, it was pretty interesting. Anyway, let's start this story! 


A sigh came from me as I felt the car begin to rock, glancing across to Yuta as I tried to figure out what was going on.

(A/N: Wow...... a bit off, but still......)

 The look of confusion had me worried, as the chug of engine began to grow too, you knew that the two of us were definitely in trouble

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 The look of confusion had me worried, as the chug of engine began to grow too, you knew that the two of us were definitely in trouble.

Eventually, Yuta managed to find a small layby, slamming his hands down on the wheel once he'd taken the key out of the ignition in nothing else but frustration.

I offered him a smile as he got out of the car to have a look at what was wrong, although he hardly knew anything about cars, the two of us were both stranded in the middle of nowhere, with no one around to help us either.

"I have no idea where to start," Yuta sighed as he lifted the front of the car up, using the torch on his phone to try and figure out what was going on with the car.

"Let's start by being calm," I suggested, trying not to leave our road trip starting on a completely terrible note. "Surely there's got to be something that's wrong with this thing?"

Yuta's shoulders shrugged as he looked around, "you really think you can take me on and find out what the problem is, be my guest."

I did as Yuta said, moving around the car, leaving the bonnet and walking back into the car, taking a look at the dashboard, sighing as soon as I did so, shooting a glare at Yuta.

He walked across and took a look at what I had noticed, earning himself a gentle hit against the arm in frustration as I realised what an incredibly pointless mistake Yuta had made.

"Did you not think to check how much fuel we had in the car before we left to go on a trip across Seoul?" I asked him, shaking my head in disbelief across at him, "how did you mess this up?"

"I just thought we still had enough in the tank," he sighed, brushing his hands stressfully through his hair as you sat back down in your seat. "I'm sure if I have a look online there's a number for someone who can come out and help us out."

"I trusted you, you said that you had everything under control," I vented, staring out of my window at the pitch black, unable to spot a single building or a single person within the landscape that I looked over.

Yuta felt terrible, the trip was something that I had left in his capable hands, he had promised to organise everything. The last thing that Yuta wanted to happen was to mess up at the first hurdle, but that was exactly what he had done.

"I'm sorry," he spoke as he sat down in the driver's seat too, pulling his phone out of his back pocket, "I wanted this trip to be perfect for the two of us, we've not done something like this in a long time."

I smiled weakly across at him as I saw the guilt in his eyes coming from the reflection of his phone screen. "I know that you had the best intentions when organising this trip, I don't want to make you feel bad Yuta either, but this is just the worst possible start."

He couldn't bring himself to look you in the eye, instead he carried on searching for someone who could get out to help you. It was cold, dark, and if we were both honest, a complete car crash of a night for the two of you.

"Do you want to just go home?" Yuta asked me.

"I don't want to just go back when you organised all of this Yuta."

"I can ring one of the boys and they can come and get you, you shouldn't be out here in the cold."

My head shook, leaning across the car to take hold of his hand, discarding his phone for a few moments. "You're my boyfriend Yuta, I can't leave you out here in the middle of nowhere by yourself, not at this time of night."

"I'm a boyfriend that managed to get their partner into a complete mess," he huffed.

My head shook back at him, "I think you might have been onto something when you mentioned about getting one of the boys though."

Yuta's eyebrows furrowed as I began to tell him about my idea, with the boys still in Seoul, I was sure that one of them would be able to get out to us both with a petrol can that would hopefully get us back on the road.

"Do you think someone would?" I asked him once I was finished, "we'd have enough to get us through the rest of the road trip, without any more accidents."

"I could give them a call," Yuta spoke, picking his phone back up, "I'm sure one of them would love to come out and help us so that they could rub it in my face just how much of a terrible boyfriend I am for doing this."

I smiled weakly as Yuta averted my eyes, glancing out of the front window of the car. "You're not a bad boyfriend at all Yuta, the fact that you organised all of this tells me just how much you care, it means a lot to me that you planned this for us both."

The corners of his mouth slowly turned up into a smile, "I just wanted to do something nice for us, it's been so long since I got a week off, there didn't seem to be much of a point to spending it cooped up in the dorm."

"And we're not going to either," I tried to encourage him, "one way or another we're going to get on the road and get to this cabin that you've organised for us."

"You've changed your tune; you were far from impressed not too long ago."

My head nodded in agreement with him, "at the start I couldn't believe how much of an idiot you've been, but then I thought, what's a road trip without a little mishap along the way?"

My change of outlook certainly brought a smile to Yuta's face, as he began to realise that perhaps I had a point after all. There was no fun in the perfect road trip, it was all about a bit of trouble, and plenty of chaos joining me along the way too.

"I still can't believe that I didn't think to check how much fuel we had," he sighed, shaking his head again at himself, "how can you trust me to look after you for the rest of my life?"

"One accident doesn't affect the rest of our lives," I swiftly reminded him.

I squeezed his hand once again to try and get his eyes to look across at me, trying to spot my figure in the darkness. "What happens if one day I leave our child at nursery or something one day like I managed to leave a tank of petrol out of the car?"

"Kids?" I asked in surprised, taken aback by his sudden suggestion, "have you been thinking about the two of us having kids?" I added, surprised when Yuta's head nodded back across at you with a soft smile.

It was something that he was a little anxious to bring up around me, but Yuta knew that he couldn't wait to settle down with me. He was far from perfect, as he'd proven tonight, but he still wanted to be with you for the rest of his life.

"Maybe this road trip won't be as bad as we think Yuta," I told him.

"Do you know what? I think you might be right."


A/N: I wouldn't mind having babies, as long as he's not taken, of course. 

Now our time of KWANGYA have ended, we're defintely going to have some buttersweet memories. This is our first time of entering a virtural world and even though it was risky at first, it's stll super fun! 

But now we have to get back to the real world and explore JYP's world! So JYP people, this next chapter is you and only you! 

Until then, see you next time!!!!!!



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