Pizza nights & Karaoke fun - Xion

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A/N: So dad has decided to annoy me once again yesterday and also loads of things keep spiraling in my head, for god knows what. I don't know why, but maybe that's just my coinciness talking. 

Anyway, let's start this story!


The phone started to ring and I checked to see that it was my neighbor and best friend, Xion. He lives a few blocks away from me, but we still keep in loads of touch with each other. I pressed the call button and answered. 

Hey, Xion. 

Hi! I was wondering you you would like to have some pizza with us? 

What are your friends here too? 

Not yet, but they're about to come an hour or soon. So what do you say? 

That sounds awesome! 

Great, I'll see you there then! 

I hanged up the phone and got myself ready to go out. 

After a while, I knocked on Xion's door and then he opened to see me.


 We both hugged instantly and he invited me into his house

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 We both hugged instantly and he invited me into his house. I took my shoes off at the mat and headed towards the living room to see 12 boys just chatting. 

"Hey, everyone!" I smiled. 

"What's up, Y/N?" Wooyoung asked. 

"Oh, nothing much, what about all of you?" I asked. 

Back around the first or second month he has moved into the neighborhood, he introdueced me to all of his friends and everyone is so friendly. Of course, it was undeniably chaotic at the first meeting because all of them literally went like 'GIRL!' and chased after me. That wasn't until Xion stepped intop and fended me from the chaos from erupting. 

But apart from that, they're all lovely people and they even treated me like I was their own. 

"Well, we've got some wonderful news!" San said, standing up proudly.

"Really? What?" I asked, 

While looking at each other, they each showed their rings to everyone in the crowd and some of them have jumped out of their seats while others clapped for the two. 

"Oh my gosh, how did this happen?" Yeosang asked. 

"Well, do you want his story or mine?" San asked. 

"Both!" Xion replied. 

So bothe of them gave us their stories and how they have popped the question to their grilfriends. Wooyung and Gahyeon have been dating for 3 years and San and Siyeon for 3 years. Wooyoung's story was funny and very hilarious, while San's sweet and vey heartfelt. 

"That's incredible!" I smiled. 

"Well, we're very happy for the both of you, seriously." Seonghwa replied. 

"Yeah, congrats!" Yunho replied. 

"Thanks you guys! Although, I feel very bad for Yeonjun though....." Wooyoung replied. 

"What do you mean?" San asked,. 

"Yeji and him have broken up." Wooyoung replied. 

"OMG...... how can this have happened?" Hongjoong asked. 

"I know, they are like the power couple of the century......." Seonghwa replied. 

"Yeonjun cheated on him with another person who he claims he didn't cheat. I think it's got to be the work of Minju." Wooyoung replied.

We all rolled our eyes over the stupid name. Minju's Yeji's enemy and she will do anything to pry Yeonjun off of her and into her own arms. But of course we can't do anything about it because Hyunjin has a thing for her.

"I really hope they'd be okay." Wooyoung replied. 

"Yeah, me too." I said. 

Then all of a sudde, the door bell has suddenly rang. Xion headed over to the door to see the pizza delivery man, bringing over 10 boxes of pizzas for everyone. I helped him hand over the boxes and Hongjoong and Leedo helped to carry the drinks and the sides. 

We all then began to tuck into the pizza and watched some movie on the TV. It's an action movie which happens to be my favourite! We watched as the explosions lit up the sky. 

"Man, I love that part!" I smiled.

"Me too, it's the best scene ever. Why can't all action movies be like that?" Xion asked. 

Everyone agreed as they continued to watch the movie. 


The rain is pouring all over me like a waterfall, but I didn't care. My heart is broken, my soul is all black and blue..... all because of ex that had dumped me. I saw him cheating on me witha threesome. I thought that what we had was special..... 

I didn't care if I was getting sick, I just want to be left alone...... that wasn't when I heard a sudden call from the distance. I looked over to see Xion coming over with a umbrella that's big for the both of us. 

"Y/N...... what are you doing here?" He asked. 

I lookd down to the floor before tears started to come from my eyes. 

"My boyfriend cheated on me......" I started to cry. 

"Oh my god....." He comforted me. 

We stayed like this for a while before going back to his place as he held my hand. I kept my eyes down on the ground for this entire time and he just held me close. 

Once we finally arrived, I took a warm shower and he handed me some clothes for me to wear while he put my clothes in the washing machine. I then went to the living room and saw him on his phone. 

"Hey, are you okay now?" He asked. 

"Yeah, but despite your best efforts, I just can't forget about my broken heart." I said. 

"Well, how about I can heal your broken heart with some ice cream and some karaoke?" He asked. 

I nodded my head before we set up the karaoke app on the TV. We decided to pick ona  song that we both know. We end up singing Around the world  by Jojo. He did some fancy moves that got me laughing and giggling before I busted a couple of moves too. 

Then we did a couple of songs that are both healing and very exciting! This totally makes up for my broken heart and with each song, it's like a sweet melody that has healing powers with each lyric and harmony. 

We landed onto the couch, just smiling and laughing. I looked over at him and it's time that like this that I'm so grateful that I have the boy next door. 


A/N: Who ever knew that he could be so damn sweet?

See you next time!!!!



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