My dream man - LOONA Vivi

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A/N: I'm so sorry, you guys. Somehow the wifi seems to be lagging and we have to suffer without it for 3 days! Luckily, we've finally got it back!!! I thought that we're goners for sure! 

Oh, I also got some incredible news for Orbits!!!! So let's get started so we can see what it is!!!


While me and my girls are having a sleepover, Kim Lip came up with a perfect idea on how would our ideal or dream man will be since Olivia Hye and Chuu are the only ones that have somebody. 

Some would perfer people that give them a thrill or the sense of the danger that makes you wanna stay away at them, but can't at the same time since they're just too damn irressitable; ;like the cocky arrgoant ones. 

Some want their men to be absoutel sweethearts and treat them like they're the most important people on earth and of course, won't ever fight on them. And if they do, then it's got to the most mimnuim possible. 

And others perfer the danger too, but all the way. Like with tattoos over their bodies that symbolize something that's very important to them. And he's the type of person that most people will tell them to stay away from since he's the very first person that can break their hearts, but they wouldn't care. 

"Okay, Y/N. We haven't heard about your dream man yet." Olivia Hye said. 

"Yeah, we're dying to know what it is. Besides, we know that you don't have anyone." Kim Lip replied. 

"Way to rub the salt into my wounds....." I said, "Anyway, all of you seem to have it prepared. I don't know about mine yet since I never paid any attention to it." 

"Oh, come on. You've got to have some sort of lead on you. Let's start with his personality first. Would you perfer it to be to cold but warm on the inside or warm throughout?" Vivi asked. 

"Defintelt warm throughout

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"Defintelt warm throughout. If he's too cold, I'm never going to understand him. Plus. his eyes needs to be midnight blue with aqua blue rings in the middle. Ypu know, the type of eyes that can sway you to do whatever you want." I said. 

"Ooh, you want someone that can get you wrapped around his finger." Jinsoul replied. 

"Exactly. His hair has got to be blond and he defintely got to have a six pack. Can you imagine someone who's all chubby?" I asked .

"Oh my gosh, I can't imagine." Heeseul gagged. 

"Me neither." Vivi replied. 

"Hey.... I don't mind chubby people." Jinsoul replied. 

"Yeah, me neither." Kim Lip replied.

A bunch of others seemed to agree profuesly. 

"Okay, fine. He can be a bit chubby if he wants to, but maybe around the face like Jongho's. Anyway, he also needs to be super confident over what he wants. I don't want any hesitation in this romance since that can be the first step of everything going downhill." I explained, "His favourite clothing line has got to be denim, because denim is on fire!" 

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