The sleepover - DREAMCATCHER Dami & JiU

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A/N: So what did I dreamt about last night? I don't think I can remember about it, but I didn't really like it. 

Anyway, Insmnoias, I have something for you lot, so brace yourself until this story is complete. 


GK heard the doorell ring and he went up to go to it. He looked over at the peephole and smiled once it was Jiu and Dami. He opened the door for them to come in.

"Hey, you two." He smiled. 

"GK!" They both rushed over and hugged him. 

He hugged them back before shutting the door.

"Thanks for inviting us over here, GK. This is going to be so much fun." Dami said. 

"Yeah, so what are we going to do first?" JiU asked. 

"Let's get you sorted out first and then we can decide." He replied, making the two nod. 

After getting themselves sorted out, they all gathered around the living room. 

"So where's the rest of your family?" JiU asked. 

"My mum is out doing a business trip and so is dad, Ningning js going a date with her boyfriend and Y/N is already in her room." He answered. 

"Shall we go and say hi to her?" Dami asked. 

"Sure, but let's make some popcorn and watch a movie." He said. 

"What movie are we watching?" Dami asked. 

"Hmmmm.... Sonic the hedgehodg sounds good for you?" He asked. 

"I love Sonic the Hedgehog!" Dami exclaimed. 

"Me too!" JiU exclaimed. 

With the movie ready to go, they all settled down to watch as the big screen shows. 

On a distant planet, , a young anthropomorphic blue who can run at supersonic speed, is unexpectedly attacked by an tribe. His guardian, an anthropomorphic named Longclaw, gives him a bag of warp that open portals to other planets. She uses one to send him to while she stays behind to hold off the echidnas, leaving Sonic alone.

Ten years later, an older Sonic enjoys a secret life under the rural town of , , but longs to make friends. He idolizes the local sheriff Tom Wachowski and his veterinarian wife Maddie, unaware the pair are to relocate to as Tom plans to accept a post with the .

One night, Sonic grows upset over his loneliness while playing baseball alone and inadvertently triggers an that causes a massive power outage across the while running at high speeds. The reluctantly enlists the services of eccentric roboticist and scientific genius to determine the cause. Seeing he is being hunted, Sonic plots to leave Earth for a different planet; he is reluctant to do so as the planet only consists of fungi. However, Tom discovers Sonic in his shed and tranquilizes him, causing Sonic to accidentally create a portal to the 's tower roof upon reading the writing on Tom's shirt. Sonic accidentally drops his bag of rings on the tower's roof through the warp ring before he passes out. Tom hesitantly agrees to help Sonic and the two flee when confronted by Robotnik, who falsely labels Tom a domestic terrorist. The two slowly bond, with Tom relating to Sonic's desire for friends. Sonic creates a bucket list and Tom helps him complete several entries along their journey.

Meanwhile, Robotnik, discovering that one of Sonic's quills holds an almost limitless amount of electrical energy, plans to capture Sonic to use his powers for his machines. As he tracks them down, Sonic and Tom manage to fight off several mechanized drones called Badniks sent by Robotnik, but Sonic is injured in the battle.

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