Shift Visits - DAY6 Young K

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A/N: I had such fun in my dream, but I'll tell you about it later. Right now, we have story time to do so let's get to it! 


The smile on Younghyun's face widened with every building that he passed, getting closer and closer to the city centre, and closer to me too. 

(A/N: Doesn't he look super cute?!?!?!?)

With half a day at work, there was only one place that Younghyun wanted to visit with his afternoon off, to finally get to spend some time with me

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With half a day at work, there was only one place that Younghyun wanted to visit with his afternoon off, to finally get to spend some time with me.

"Where to park, where to park," Younghyun murmured to himself as he arrived outside the complex where I worked. It was the busiest time of the day, with cars everywhere, finding a spot to park up almost seemed like it was going to be an impossible task for him to complete.

After a few laps around the city high street, Younghyun found a spot just outside of where I worked, putting his food down on the pedal and accelerating quickly, pulling up before any other car could get in his way and block him from getting into the spot.

Once he was parked up, Younghyun climbed out of the car and opened up the back door, reaching in and picking up the coffee cup tray that he had positioned in the footwell of the city, before closing the car door and locking everything up.

A chuckle came from him as he looked into the shop window of my store, spotting me down one of the aisles as I hung up the collection of new jackets that I had been sent, placing that at the front of the store to make sure that they sold quickly.

He couldn't help but feel proud as he watched me hard at work, finding it funny how oblivious I was to the fact that he was stood in the window. He could easily be seen if I wanted to look outside, but instead I was far too focused on getting the job in hand done.

As I began to walk away from the rail, Younghyun headed towards the entrance of my store, pushing it open with his back so that he didn't spill any of the coffee in the two cups he carried.

Almost straight away, a gasp came as he walked into the store, looking to his left to see two of your colleagues staring across at him. He smiled politely back across at them, scanning around the store quickly to try and find where you had gone.

As he did so, Younghyun could hear the murmurs from behind the checkout, surprised that they had recognised him so quickly, trying to encourage each other to stay composed around him.

"I don't suppose you know where Y/N went?" He asked them both.

"Y/N?" One of them questioned, stuttering over their words out of the surprise, "you're here to see Y/N?" She asked him, wanting to be sure of what she was hearing.

"Yeah," Younghyun replied, furrowing his brows at the look of shock that was in both of their expressions. "Do you guys know where she just went?" He asked, trying his best to ignore the excitement they both felt.

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