Wanna trade? - EVERGLOW Onda

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A/N: So since dad has fored me to go to bed early yesterday, but this is sepcial because today we're going ot to COSMOS to eat. However, we're eating around 5...... but do we really have to leave by 4? 

Anyway...... here's the story for you guys! 


J-hope is waiting around patiently for Onda to show up. He sat at their usual table as he waited and waited. His tummy starts to grumble as he checked his watch. 

"I know, tummy. Just wait for a little while, we'll eat soon." He said as he patted his tummy. 

Then he can see her coming towards him with a very happy smile on his face. 

(A/N:  It looks a bit off, but it's still a very nice pic, don't you think?)

(A/N:  It looks a bit off, but it's still a very nice pic, don't you think?)

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Hey, there you are." He said. 

"I hope youre not waiting too long." She said. 

As she said that, his tummy let out another growl. 

"Oh no, you did. I'm so sorry.... our teacher told us to stay behind for cleaning up." She apologized. 

"Hey, it's okay. Everything's fine." He rubbed his tummy. 

She sat across from him and the two began t have some lunch together. As she looked at her lunch, she cringed in disgust.

"What's wrong?" He asked. 

"My mom packed me tuna and mayo sandwiches again and I told her no a couple of times now." She rolled her eyes, "Hey, you look like you have a good lunch. *spots BBQ sandwiches* Ooh, do you want to swap sandwiches?" 

"Sure, I love tuna and mayo sandwiches, they're mt favourite." He beamed. 

The two swapped their sandwiches and they ate them. 

"Oh my gosh, this is much better." She licked her lips. 

"Yeah, you said it. Onda, I don't know what you're talking about. Tuna and mayo can really taste good together." He said. 

"Ugh, you sound just like my mom." She rolled her eyes. 

He laughed as he took another bite of the sandwich. 

"So how's dance club?" She asked. 

"Oh, it's going well. I even did a backflip twice today." He said. 

"*swallows* You did a backflip?! Good job!" She said, amazed. 

The two shared a high five in satisfiaction. 

After having their lunch done, it's time for school to start once again. 

"Well, I better get going. PE calls." He said. 

"Yeah, and I have to spend some history class. I'll see you then and hopefully tomorrow lunch, I'll bring something special to the palatte." She replied. 

"Ooh, what is it?" He asked. 

"Well, I can't tell you. It will ruin the surprise." She said. 

"Awww....." He looked down on the floor.

"But I will give you a hint. It's your favourite." She winked. 

He wondered what it could be as they went off their seperate ways. 

Tomorrow lunch came by and the two headed downstairs to their table. 

"So, I've been thinking about what you said and I narrowed it down to 3 of my favourite things. We got Ttebookki, Jjang jjang noodles and some peacan pies." He said. 

"No, no and nopeity nope." She shook her head. 

"Oh..... then I don't know what else it can be." He said. 

"Well..." She sat in front of him, "It's this!" 

She showed him 4 sausage rolls that are so crusty and golden brown that he clapped his hands in joy. 

"Oh my gosh, SAUSAGE ROLLS!" He shouted, "Wait, um...... I'll give you some pineapple yogurt and a meatball sub for those bad boys!" 

"Ooh, deal!" She said. 

They both swapped their lunches again and they tucked into their lunch as the sounds of munching and lip smacking can be heard from all angles.

"Oh my god......" He tilted his head back.

"*snorts* Do you like it so much?" She asked.

"You know it. It's the best thing to ever exist in this world!" He exclaimed. 

She giggled as she bit into the meatball sub.

"So how the rest of the girls going on? Like, I've seen Mia and she looked very upset." He said. 

"She kept friendzoning Bangchan and that led to an argument, but now she's starting to regret about it." She said. 

"Really?" He asked. 

"Yeah, now he won't even spare a glance to her." She replied, "I really hope that things work out for them soon. As for the others, Yiren's got a crush on Hongjoong." 

"No way!" He exclaimed, "How do you even know this?" 

"I've seen the way that she looks at him and I overheard a conversation that he likes her back!" She exclaimed. 

"Oooh! That's so cute." He cooed.

"So how's you and the boys?" She asked. 

"Well, Jimin and Seulgi have broken up a week ago. He's been caught kissing another girl when that's not the case at all. It's got to be the work of Sarah. She always wanted him to herself." He said. 

"Ugh, well, she succeeded in that then..... but why does it not feel right somehow? Jimin is super sweet, there's no way he can just do that." She wondered. 

"That's what I'm saying. Anyway, I have to go back home after the school bell rings. I have to take Brianna back home." He said. 

"Why?" She asked. 

"She said that she just feels lousy and her throat is getting worse. It's a definite answer that she must have caught Joy's cold." He said. 

"Oh no....." She gave a pitfiul look. 

"Yeah. So I'm going take her back, buy some medicine and then spend the whole day looking after her like the good boyfriend I am." He said proudly. 

"You're truly a wonderful person, Hobi." She finished her sub. 

The next day, the two are at their table while swapping some poptarts and yogurt.

"Guess what?" He asked. 

"What?" She asked. 

"Jungkook finally got the courage to ask Yeri on a date!" He exclaimed. 

"Wow! Way to go, kookie! What did she say?" She asked. 

"She said yes and then they shared a kiss between each other." He replied. 

"Awww, that's the cutest thing I ever heard in my whole life." She said, "I'm definely going to be shipping them." 

"Yeah, me too, Onda. Me too." He said. 


A/N: You're not the only one, people. 

See you next time!!!!



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