On top of the world - Taeyoung

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A/N: I had a dream about Jason Derulo last night and it was so damn cool! Oh, and I also dreamt abouyt Bernstain bears too! It's been a long time coming ever since I've seen that show! 

Anyway, let's get on with the story!!!!!


One day, Taeyoung offered me to take me to his lake house. 

(A/N: Is it me  or does he remind me a lot of Mark?)

We took a rowing boat and we canoed ourselves all the way to this so called lake house he's telling me about

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We took a rowing boat and we canoed ourselves all the way to this so called lake house he's telling me about. 

About 2 hours of rowing, we finally reached the beautiful lake house.

"Wow..... Taeyoung, this is beautiful." My eyes sparkled with twlight. 

"Thank you, I own this house as my seceret getaway if I want to get away from the world sometimes." He panted from rowing on the river. 

We soon arrived on the sweet dry land and he helped me get off of the boat without tipping it over. We walked over to the house and as he opened it, it was even more spacious on the inside. 

I looked at all around and this really seems like a perfect getaway house. I dusted my shoes off since I don't want it to get dirty and examined the whole place. 

"Pretty imprsssive, isn't it?" He asked. 

"Yeah!" I smiled. 

From the living room to the bedrooms, everything in this place seems very very fancy for it to be called just a house. As I sat down and make myself comfortable, he offered me a cup of very cold grape juice as we watched his ultra new flatscreen TV. 

"So how long have you had this lake house?" I asked. 

"I've had it for a while but it all started back in November 2018 when I thought it would be nice to make a little house to get away where no one can see." He said. 

"Then what happened?" I asked. 

"I designed up some plans and put it right in the end of a lake because lake houses are usually secluded and I thought that it's perfect because nobody would bother me there. So I set up soem secret building teams and they helped me make the house I wanted. Now I own this place and nobody knows it but me." He explained. 

"Wait, then why did you show me this then? Am I the first person to know about this?" I asked. 

"Yes, but you can't tell anyone about it. And plus, you're my best friend.... and I really care about you so... I trust you enough to bring you here." He looked down onto the floor. 

"Awww, Taeyoung. That's so sweet and don't worry, I won't say a word." I promised. 

"I know you won't. So you wanna play some video games?" He asked. 

"Sure!" I drank my juice.

Few weeks later, we've all arrived at a carnival and we went on some rides. The first ride was super cool and amazing, like we couldn't even see straight. 

But the more rides we've got on, the more I'm starting to feel all sick and queasy. I leaned over to the railing and Taeyoung who saw this, patted me on the back.

"Hey, is everything okay?" He asked. 

"Yeah..... just feeling super sick all of----"

I was interuptted by a whelm of vomit reaching all the way to my throat. I quickly looked for a trashcan and puked all of my insides out until I was feeling better a bit. 

"Doesn't look like it to me..... how about we find a place for you to sit?" He asked. 

"Yeah, good idea." I replied. 

As the others looked on some more rides, he handed me something to help ease my stomach and it was a slushie from the slushie stand. I took it and I gave it some slow sips. 

"How do you know passionfruit is my favourite flavor?" I asked.

"I thought that you'd like some so I went and ordered it for you." He replied. 

I instantly felt gooey and leaned over to his shoulder. He blushed but he put his head on my head for a while as we slurped our slushies. 

Time passed and I felt much better, but not enough to eat something yet. Meanwhile, Taeyoung is eating his churros when Allen gave over a bit of a nudge. 

"So..... when are you gonna confess to her?" Allen asked. 

"I was thinking..... today." Taeyoung whispered back. 

"Wait, really?" Allen asked. 

"Yeah, I'm sick and tired of waiting and hesitating when I know I have to make the right choice. And that choice is to finally ask her out before someone else does." Taeyoung looks at me, "*talks to me* Hey, Y/N. Want to go on a ferris wheel?"

"A ferris wheel? *looks over to the ferris wheel* Oh, sure. I'd love to sit next to you." I said, making him blush. 

After we all ate, me and Taeyoung headed to the ferris wheel. We buckled in one of the cars and got ready for the wheel to rotate us round and round. As soon it got to the top, we can see the whole carnival from up here. 

It's so glorious and wonderful and the starry night makes things even betterr as it acenturates the landscape of the busy carnival. Taeyoung took a big deep breath and looked over at me. 

"Um..... Y/N?" He asked, "I just want to tell you something." 

"What is it?" I asked. 

"I really really really like you. I have been working up the guts to ask you out for a while but I was scared of rejection. But I rather be rejected than pretend these feelings for you are not real and if you don't feel the same, well...... at least I'll wait for you until your made up your mind. Even if it's the death of me, I have to say this now or othe-----" 

I interrupted him by kissing his lips which took him by surprise, but he kisssed me back. He doesn't need to say anything more, just those words are enough to win my heart and he knows it.


A/N: Another carnie love story..... who wouldn't go for that? 

Anyway, see you next time!!!!



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