Chapter 5 - doctor's visit

978 21 2

Narrator POV

"Your manager told me that you have had severe back pain since yesterday. Is that correct?", the doctor asks her.

"Yes, that's right", Jade replies shortly.

"And how did this pain come about? Was there an incident that caused it? Any sudden movement or did you fall?", he asks.

"No, the pain came out of nowhere during dance rehearsals and just got worse and worse", she explains.

"Any other symptoms I should know about?", he wants to know without really looking at her.

"No, not really", she lies, since she suspects he's in close contact with management – and confidentiality or not, she can't risk management finding out about any of her strange symptoms.

"I assume you pinched a nerve during a movement during your dance rehearsals. That can happen rather quickly. Usually something like that resolves itself with a lot of rest. So best you take a break, relax a bit and you will be fit in no time", he explains with a friendly smile, but Jade doesn't believe a word he says.

"With all due respect, I don't have time to rest or relax! Tour starts in two weeks! I absolutely cannot take a break now!", she contradicts quickly, gradually starting to panic again.

"Isn't there something to speed things up? I'll do anything!", she pleads desperately.

He looks at her for a moment, almost sympathetically, before he takes a deep breath and says: "I could describe you some painkillers, but they're quite strong. One a day is enough. But I would recommend strictly against it. A good rest is always best in those cases."

"I'll take the pills," Jade replies, watching the doctor reluctantly write down the prescription, snatches it from his hand and disappears through the door. After picking up the pills and taking two as a precaution, she stands in front of the dance studio more ready than ever, happily greeting her band members.

"Shouldn't you be at home?" asks Leigh in wonder as she returns the hug.

"I went to the doctor today and got some pills. I'm good as new," she replies with a smile, setting her things down on the couch.

"And what did the doctor say?", Jesy then wants to know.

"Probably pinched a nerve or something," Jade replies, wanting to get the subject over with quickly.

Fortunately, Jesy just laughs. "All right, grandma. Let's get started then," she says and with a little too much vigour puts an arm around Jade's shoulder and neck and pulls her along.

During the rehearsal, Jade gives all she's got. She pulls through the entire rehearsal without extra breaks, not noticing her back for a second. If she has to take those pills for the remaining weeks to continue her life normally, so be it. The main thing is that she can do her job and that she doesn't let the girls or even the fans down again. She is so relieved and euphoric during the rehearsal that she doesn't even realise that the dizziness and migraine have not subsided at all and, after the adrenaline has gone out, she is hit with it while getting dressed after they're finished.

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