The final chapter Pt. I

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                              it is. Seems only fitting that we hit 1k likes with the last chapter, which is just INSANE. Once again thank you all so much for your support and for getting on this journey with me. It's truly been a blast. I love you all  ❤️ 

Jade POV

"You got everything?", Perrie asks me for what must be the tenth time this morning as she runs around our flat looking exhilarated.

"Jesus, Pez. Yes! We had everything last night, nothing changed. Are you ready now?", I reply annoyed but also highly amused as I sit here on the couch, more or less patiently waiting for her to finally put on her shoes so we can leave.

"I can't find my phone," she screams hysterically and runs into the next room while I just shake my head.

"It's right here, Pez!", I call after her, making her run to me out of breath. "Ah, thanks."

Before she pockets it, she checks the time and her eyes almost fall out of her face, "Fuck, we were supposed to be downstairs ten minutes ago!"

"I've been telling you that for ten minutes!", I grumble now. "And you don't even have shoes on yet."

"Where are my shoes?" and again she's gone, running around looking for the shoes that are right at the front door, ready to put on.

"Oh my goodness," I curse quietly and now stand up myself, grabbing her shoes and throwing them in front of her, "There they are, put them on so we can get the hell out of here!"

I'm already putting on my backpack, ready to leave the flat, when she stops me again.


"What now?! We packed everything last night so that we wouldn't forget anything, didn't we?" I interject, really getting annoyed.

"I just want to go through it all again to make sure," she says and I'm about to freak out. "Just a minute!" she says, as she sees the look I give her.

"We already did that twenty times yesterday," I lean my head against the door, not yet letting go of the handle, when she suddenly pulls out a notebook.

"Perrie, you're kidding me. Since when do you have a packing list?!" I ask, aghast, unable to keep from laughing at her, as much as I want to remain serious to show her that she is annoying the hell out of me with her dawdling.

"Did you still pack the shoes you insisted on taking?" she asks, unperturbed.

"Yes," I keep it tight.

"Do you have that one dress?"

"Of course."

"Are you sure you brought enough clothes?" she gets sceptical. "You tend to under-pack."

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