Chapter 9- Terror

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They saw the chemistry lecturer looking huge and destructive, trying to infect students he came across.

Joseph then said 'first thing first, we need to get his blood;

Peter looking at him with an astonished tune said 'but how is that even possible?'.

They all looked at each other for a while................................................

Judith came in and said 'now let us think, she continued, making use of a syringe is out of our options.

Peter said ' I suggest we play him a music to reduce the hyperactiveness.

Immediately after saying this, Stanley from behind threw the snacks he was eating at Peter with a little anger...

Ouch, Peter said as he was trying to slam Stanley,
he then noticed all eyes were on him with a look of disappointment and anger

Then he relented and focused at the screen
Joseph then said 'There is no time to waste, let us get going'.

They began packing whatever would be needed while Stanley and Nelson were still placing focus on the monster trying to get any slight information from it.

After few minutes, they arrived at the students lounge, somewhere unnoticed, they highlighted and went further.
Then they saw it was the Chemistry lecturer looking huge and destructive, trying to infect students.

Nelson came over the bug and said 'anyone with the sniper?' Mitchel replied him 'I am in'.
Nelson told him to shoot whenever he is noticed near a wall.

This was however difficult.

Luckily for then, he was found near the waste bin when the deed was done and they all hid He turned to see where that came from but saw no one.
Then Judith went drew the blood with a syringe and and made their way to the lab.

They tested, tested and tested but all to no avail. Collins then reported 'make use of venipuncture princi' before he could complete his statement, 'we already tried that' they both chorused. Collins said 'uh oh ma gosh!

Joseph said ' I think I have got something. He scaled through a text book on "Hematology" and another on "biology".
He told her to get the Chemistry and practical textbooks.

He came across a part of the textbook and tested it again;

Results: then they found that his dead cells would not get out of his body,
therefore congesting together and forming a turmoil and secondly found out that the substance going round his blood has destroyed all his Leucocytes (white blood cells) and therefore caused his phagocytic action to stop (inability of white blood cells to defend the body by destroying harmful substances that enters the blood).

Judith said 'his white blood cells are damaged'......Peter came over the bug and said 'Jesus Christ! What's our fate?'

Joseph replied him 'remain chilled'. Peter responded him 'is that the fucking thing you have to say? Staying in some safe lab while I am I front of a terrifying monster?

Just then, Nelson said please do not shoot any part of his head, except his forehead. Mitchel said anyways it's difficult, and I can't really get his forehead.

Joseph said 'by the way, we finally got the chemicals.

Stanley said 'and what's it? Joseph replied 'are there puses on his body?
Austa said 'yeah a whole lot of it;

Joseph then said his white blood cells have been reduced drastically, making him suffer from (leukopenia) and so his body produces toxins.

For the cure, we are getting some lymphocytes to produce antitoxins.

Judith then said 'anti toxins successfully created..... exactly, Joseph followed up.

Mitchel said 'fuck hell!! he saw the pointer ' and Nelson said 'stay alert, he is beginning to suspect your hideouts. Joseph said 'we are on our way'.

Collins said 'do not pass those barricades, he might likely see you.
Judith replied 'thanks man'.

Hey get down, I saw him Joseph told her she replied 'what?. Then Austa said 'hey guys, he is behind the corner.

Peter then raised his hand to signal them of their hideouts when Austa dragged him down saying ' do you actually want him to see us?.

They heard an uproar and were silent for a moment. Joseph then said from behind 'we are going to shoot this into his body before releasing fire.

Nelson then said be alert, he is fast in sight. They shot it into him. Peter then said 'we passed that, over to you Mitchel. Mitchel than said fuck again.

Joseph then said hey guys, let's move. They separated and started releasing fire going closer to him.

He started moving towards them before the sniper bullet hit his head.
Mitchel then said 'oh shit! It was on target.
The monster's energy was doubled. He got close to where Peter was who knew nothing to do, grabbed him and threw him away.

Judith wanted to go and help him out when Joseph from no where stopped her, saying 'don't you remember how you wanted to do this during our trainings and how terrible it was.

Judith replied him 'oh yeah' Joseph said 'so let's focus' Nelson spoke up 'watch out!!!.

They hopped backward from where they were and started shooting. As they got the target again, an explosion from nowhere occured.

They were injured (mini injury); which didn't get too effective to anyone except Austa who was allergic to dust and smoke lay helpless on the ground.

After noticing this, they got angry, and came up to a straight file ad opened fire .

Joseph signalled Judith who took Austa away from the scene before he threw a mini bomb to where the monster was and actually waited to know.

This time, the target was successful at his forehead (tzium). He fell off.............


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