Chapter 13- De-Johnsons

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They all went towards the screen and Nelson said......
'We have to get a microchip from a company named Johnson's Enterprise'

'Okay..... I and Austa should handle that' Mitchel said.

They took out some dresses and were set to leave;

Mitchel dressed in complete sets of suit and Austa with well presentable shirt and a black skirt, dressed as employees.

They got into their SUV and set out to the location.

On getting there, Judith and Peter remained in the car, while Mitchel and Austa got to the entrance, were scanned by the AI machine before entering.

They came across the receptionist with the files in their hands, and he gestured them to sit.......

How may I be of help? He asked

Mitchel replied 'of course I love the environment, the structure, its workers of which you are not exempted.

And also uuuum

Nelson said over the bug 'oh shit and also what? Just make him focus on you alone.

Mitchel continued and also the company itself.

'Excuse me Sir', Austa faked a call as she walked out.

'Anyone on board?' She asked. Then Stanley said 'Yeah, I'm in'.

Austa asked 'Okay so where's the place?'

'There are security cameras which we are still trying to hack and also security guards on each floor' Stanley replied....

Austa turned around and saw the cameras but still pretend to be making a call to avoid being suspected.

The receptionist then asked 'what exactly do you want?'

Mitchel looked round the place in a bid to admire it and whispered under his teeth saying 'bitches are you not done with the cameras?'

Nelson replied 'its initializing'.....recover! recover! He said to Mitchel.

Mitchel looked towards the direction of the receptionist and said
'I actually came for a contract, so what is the process?'

The receptionist asked 'contract on what aspect?'

Mitchel with a funny look not knowing what else to say, Nelson told him 'partnership'.

Mitchel then said 'partnering with the company as he starred around'.

Austa said to Stanley 'right or left?'

Hold on! Nelson replied 98%, 99% and successfully completed.

The receptionist looked into his drawer to bring out a file, only to look up and see Mitchel has disappeared.

Joseph asked 'can I cutoff the connections now?'

Judith cut in 'how did you get there?'

Joseph replied 'I have been following you guys over the bug......just a simple trickery;

I  climbed through the back rest room, beat up some guards, overheard the sound of the completed hacking process and I am here.

'Wow!' Peter exclaimed

Successfully disconnected, Joseph added!

Immediately, the company's emergency red light lit up everywhere.

Nelson said 'the microchip is in the inner room.....Oh no! Something's came up.

Joseph asked 'and what the hell is that?'

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