Request 1

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Authors note: thank you so much for my first request, I wanted to go into so much more detail than this but I also wanted to leave it to your imagination. I could feel myself getting more and more carried away. I hope you enjoy it. 

Request:Carla fell in love with a human maid girl. Carla doesn't want to admit his feelings for the reader because she's human, weak, delicate. One day he see's her talking to shin candidly, so he reminds her who she belongs to.

Y/c/s: your skin colour

Y/s/t: your skin tone

"Good morning master," a soft, quiet voice reached Carla's ears. His eyes fluttered open after clearing his throat, the room was still dark, there was a small amount of light breaking through the curtains on the balcony door. He glanced around briefly before his eyes landed on the frail young lady, whom had entered his bedroom.

The lady in question was their personal human maid. She was a fresh faced woman with (y/c/s), it had a soft glow to its (y/s/t). (Y/n) possessed a pair of (y/c/e), that captured anyone who had the fortune of looking into them, her (y/c/h) looked so soft. She was certainly a sight to behold, now Carla had seen some beautiful women in his time but (y/n) beheld the fruits of his interest. He respected her so much, he was very gentle towards her.

Personally, on the subject of those eyes of hers, Carla truly believed he had been bewitched. If this was any other human, any incompetence wouldn't be tolerated, he didn't have in inside of him to harshly discipline her as he would anyone else.

(Y/n's) frame slowly made its way towards his curtains, as he sat up.

"Good morning y/n," he eventually replied, the grogginess of his voice had made (y/n) shudder. (Y/n) didn't find Carla's morning voice imposing or uncomfortable in any way, actually it was the highlight of her day. She enjoyed the sound of his voice so much, it had made its way into the dark depths of her mind, the part of her mind that made her hands wonder and her struggle to stay quiet.

(Y/n) hated being quiet when masturbating, it was hard. She had no choice, it would be too embarrassing if her master and her king heard her. She was quite loud, vocal, so she had a huge task to accomplish. Every night she enjoyed thinking about the dashing First Blood king, sometimes it was so hard to keep her composure around him, she would hope he didn't notice any faults in her facade.

"Today master, you have meetings with several clientele about your trip to visit (random place name). What would you like for breakfast today, whilst I retrieve any paperwork you need?"

Carla pondered for a moment, his mind still filled with sleep. He ignored (y/n) as she retrieved his clothes, his hand ran through his pale locks, but stopped at the back of his head once it came in contact with something. Or rather, someone's hand. (Y/n) had moved to brush his hair, normally he would sit at his vanity table but the chair had to be repaired thanks to his brother. There was a small spark between their hands, he heard her heart pick up, or at least he thought he imagined it.

"I think I would like (random food) today," he scratched his chin before he moved his feet to the floor.

Carla wore a grey button up shirt, having the top few buttons undone. This shirt was tucked into some suit trousers, with his favoured belt secured around his hips. He rolled his sleeves past his elbows since it was awfully warm, at least in his opinion. (Y/n) had prepared everything for him and left to attend to his brother. The thought of his brother spending any time with her, whether under his gaze or not, made Carla twitch a little.

Normally, Carla wouldn't care about some human, but (y/n) was his and his alone. He found himself becoming irritated at the concept of her being more faithful to his brother, Carla never possessed such lustful desires, it wouldn't be very becoming of him as a king. He had rebuilt the first blood race and the relationship before with some (unnamed first blood they just so happened to come across/ Yui didn't go through this in my book) meant nothing. After said person died/ disappeared, he had no use for such fickle matters.

Diabolik Lovers smut book : Carla TsukinamiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora