Don't call me cute!

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Authors note: this is also posted in the Shin book, since its for both of them I posted it here too.

She finds shins wolf form cute, shin gets angry at this... Carla and shin teach the human girl in a fun way that the big bad wolf shouldn't be called cute...

(They both love her and want to repopulate the founders race with her help)

*double penetration

*double anal penetration

*heavy size kink

*dirty talk


*blood drinking

@Aspendia21 hope you enjoy <3

(Y/n), surprisingly, had awoken to quite a boring start today. The manor was quieter than usual, normally, Shin or Carla would be somewhere close by. However, she heard nothing. It also wasn't like them to leave her on her own. As she dressed herself in (insert desired outfit) for the day, she assumed that they could only be in a number of places. A lot of the manor was off limits after all, whether it be construction or otherwise.

Nothing was more obvious than a cluster of wolves, with a potent rougè glow, glowering at something in the darkness leading down to the basement. After brushing past them, Carla's significantly taller frame had come into her line of sight. The wolves got rowdy as she approached the king. His attention finally turned to her, he silently gestured silence from the wolves before he spoke.

"Kisama, stay behind me," he asked lowly, something seemed wrong for him to ask her that. What had happened? Her heart fluttered worried, she clung to one of the sleeves on his arm and peered past him. His hand guided her by her waist, gently pulling her into his side.

In front of the two, there were a few more wolves. In front of their stares, a dungeon. Inside of the dungeon, a very different wolf, the coat was a mix of whiteish-grey which was complimented by copper tones, down to the tip of the wolfs tail. (Y/n's) eyes screwed, confused at what she was seeing.


"Hmm?" He stroked her side gently, not taking his eyes off the wolf in the cell. Her tiny form was creeping towards the wolf, hypnotised by its magnificence. Carla had to yank her back into his side harshly.

"What is going on?"

"Kisama, have you not observed the full moon?" He scolded. despite being scolded, her pussy fluttered. She hadn't, she wasn't about to look either, not wanting to break her stare off. The wolf was now looking at her, the extended eye contact making her heart flutter for some strange reason. Had she seen those amber eyes before?

Her mouth opened slightly, the wolf was so cute. Her silence, however, had prompted Carla to explain further.

"Shin has shapeshifted into his wolf form, due to the effects of the full moon. He hasn't got as much control over it as I have,"

She remained silent, taking in every little detail, Shin approached the cage and made a noise. A silent bark, one Carla had seemed to understand, since he chaperoned (y/n) closer. Shin sniffed at her, she knelt down to his level and held onto Carlas strong leg for balance, knowing he would object to her holding onto the bars. Shin might not be as comprehensive as he usually is, in this form. Carla ran his hand through her hair as she observed even further. She wanted to stroke his fur, run her fingers through it.

To anyone else, this muscular wolf would be pretty fucking scary. But to (y/n)...

"He's so adorable!" She gushed loudly.

Both males were stunned, looking between each other and (y/n).

"Look at his soft fur... his toe beans!"

Diabolik Lovers smut book : Carla Tsukinamiحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن