Masquerade Ball

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Authors note: sorry for the long absence, works been kicking my ass. Hopefully this is enjoyable for everyone to read as it was for me to write.

thanks Edythe x

One upon a time, the pretty princess met a handsome king. They fell in love but the pretty princesses father had forbidden the romance between them. The father was the king of the vampires, and the love interest of the princess was the king of the first blooded race in their world. Since the pretty princess wasn't as strong ,or as fast , or as agile as her siblings ; the lovers thought that a secret romance would be the best option. The princesses brothers didn't like her love interest, but also didn't care who she threw herself at.

The siblings agreed that as soon as their father was gone, she was free to leave and love who she wishes.

Fast forwarding to the night of the masquerade ball, a celebration just for the sake of celebrating. The party, like many the king of the vampire clan hosted, was just for show. It was a form of 'saving face' if you will. Naturally, vampires were very social amongst themselves. But after thousands of years, the king became bored with making appearances and just did it for the sake of things at this point.

He watched his children one by one, hoping they would behave themselves. The two oldest sons, were displaying good behaviour as usual, talking amongst their own small crowds. The triplets were doing what the triplets do best, flirting and scouting for talent. And the youngest son was watching from a far distance, only acknowledging the ones who acknowledge him. As for the princess, Y/N was trying not to be gloomy when approached by potential suitors. She politely declined, one by one, those who asked her for a dance. Karlheinz tried to keep his gaze on his daughter; having the most concern about her. He wasn't concerned about her safety, but rather her affiliation with the one who could crush his dynasty. However, the evening escaped him and the daughter was left unmonitored. Her brothers had disappeared somewhere, or at the very least she couldn't see them.

Thats when she saw it, the familiar pair of golden eyes watching her from afar. His snow like hair was secured in such a way, his violet ends were left unseen. His face was hidden behind a full faced mask, the only thing visible was that indistinguishable gaze. She could see a faint hint of amusement in those eyes, so her full clad face tilted to the side. Almost teasing the spectre to approach, he tilted his head back, almost as if he giggles to himself and approached her. His saunter came to a stop, he took her small lace clad hand in his and brought it to the closed mouth of his mask. She whimpered, remembering the phantom touch of his soft lips on her skin.

"Dance with me,"

They stayed in their own bubble, gently swaying from side to side, talking lowly to each other. They spoke at a volume they could only hear. The world in which they were separated fell away and it felt like nothing mattered.

"I missed you," her broken whisper gave away her tears.

"I missed you too," his soft gaze was only hers.

"I missed your eyes, your smile, your touch-" she tried removing his mask. He grasped her wrists tightly, she whined a little at the painful pleasing feeling, the feeling of his grip.

He scorned her a little with his eyes.

"You know better, little Y/N,"

"I just wanted to kiss you,"

"I know, I cannot give you that yet. I can, however, give you something else," her eyes peaked up in curiosity. The arm around her waist had pulled her in tighter.

"I have also missed the way you taste, but I can leave your body satisfied even without my mouth,"

"But its been so long-" she tried removing his mask again, he tutted and brought her small wrists to his chest.

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