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A human girl works as a maid in Banmaden Castle; the girl was very beautiful, cute, delicate, and fragile. Even though she was human, he fell in love with her so much, she was so kind to him. One day, his father punished him; again, he was injured. He was about to go back to his room however he met the human maid by accident, who was about to greet him. Her eyes widened when she saw his wound and she became extremely worried;

"Carla-Sama! What happened!? Are you okay!? Please allow me to heal your wound..."

She looked at him with worried eyes, that sounded foolish to him; he was a founder, and that's why such wounds were like paper cuts for him. But still... he couldn't stand the look she gave him and let her do what she wanted. Once inside; he settled on a chair and allowed her to do the rest. Her shaky fingers gently pried away the bloodied clothes. Once disposed of, she returned with tears skirting her eyes. He wanted to comfort her but resisted. She wrapped a bandage around his wound and she started stroking the wound with her little hands. When she realised what she was doing, she immediately withdrew her hand; her cheeks were red. She was really cute...

"I-I'm really sorry Carla-Sama!... I'm just going now! sorry."

She said, and she tried to run away, but when she tried to stand up, he grabbed her small hand and she lost her balance and she fell into his lap. This embarrassed her even more, she tried to get up, but she couldn't; she had to sit on his lap. This amused him terribly. She was so fragile...

He wrapped his arms around her slender waist. It wouldn't take a second to kill her, he wanted to protect her, he wanted to confess his love for her, he wanted to kiss her lips and her body, he wanted to make her his, he wanted to fill her tiny body with his teeth marks but... he had to ignore his feelings for her. He had to make his father proud; the founders do not deal with such meaningless feelings. With these thoughts, without realising it, his arms tightened way too tight around her waist. The human girl groaned in pain, he snapped out of his sullen thoughts before he lost control. He removed her from his lap and provided her with a stern order;

"Woman, leave my room now. You are no longer needed here"

When the girl heard his harsh words, she was upset and left as ordered. He felt a heaviness seeing her sad face, seeing her sad made him feel something indescribable.

A few days passed, he rarely saw her, one day he did not see her around at all, he was starting to worry, he randomly asked a maid if she had seen her and the maid responded with something rather quizzical;

"Your father summoned her specifically, Carla-Sama. But we have no idea why he called."

He was surprised.

Why would his father call a human maid privately?

Why was she hand-picked out of a lot of maids?

Why was she hand-picked out of all the maids?

With these thoughts, he hurried to the throne room, where he hoped to find his father and the woman he secretly loved (even if he didn't want to admit it). But before he opened the door, a strong smell of blood hit his nostrils like a freight train.. When he opened the door, he encountered a view that he never wanted to see. He could feel his blood boiling and his heart sinking. A vile rage, more potent than any acid in the world, began to fester.

The girl lay naked on the floor, her soft hair dishevelled, blood, and his father's seed oozing from her feminine parts; her delicate body full of his father's bite marks, her nose bleeding. Her face was covered in blood and bruises. She was groaning in pain. She was too tired to cry anymore, to open her eyes. But she opened her eyes slowly and saw him, she turned her head in shame and closed her eyes tightly. She tried to cover her boobs with her tiny hands, but it was too painful to move her arms, so she couldn't.

When his father noticed him, he was about to comment or bark out an order. A sound behind them interrupted his father.

"Carla, dispose of this no-good whore as you please; she is no good to either of us now!" destroy her... he couldn't do that. What alarmed him further; his father somehow knew.

When she heard this, she started to slightly sob and cry. She slowly turned her head and body towards Carla, looked at him with watery and pleading eyes, extended her less damaged arm towards him, and said to him, sobbing until she was interrupted;

''C-Carla-Sama... Please help—AH! ''


Seeing that the maid was asking for Carla's help, his father approached her from behind, lifted her by the hair with one hand, turned her around, and slapped her hard with his free hand. With this hard slap, the human girl fell to the ground almost unconscious. She was breathing heavily and shakily.

"See- useless."

Turns out, she wasn't useless. With the help of his mother (being another female) he brought her back to almost complete physical help. With the added care of making sure she wouldnt produce his fathers offspring. Krone may not have been too pleased with his affliction with this human; she cared more about what his father had done however. It took a while for the girl to come back around, recovering from the heavy sedation. He watched over her day and night.

He felt tiny fingers close around his own. He must have fallen asleep. Despite the innocence of the act; he found himself jumping with a sharp start. His free hand closed around the wrist of the assailant. When he saw her curious eyes peering back at him, he slowly relaxed. He released her wrist and retracted his hand.

"Carla- sama; what are you doing here?"

"Watching over you woman,"

She appeared guilty once again.

"I-i'm sorry... i tried to refuse-i,"

"Silence, you don't need to lower yourself and apologise. I am well aware of my fathers whims,"

"B-but... "

He moved to his knees and kissed her tiny fingers.

"You dont think I'm dirty?"

"Do you feel dirty?" he kissed along her bare arm.


"Allow me to purify you,"

Her silent nod wasn't enough. He refused to move until she gave him verbal consent.

Once he was given the green light, his lips skirted her body. Starting from her forehead, to her nose, her cheeks and then her lips. The fire that had been burning inside of him for weeks had begun to overflow. Her lips broke the dam that he worked so hard to put up; and he poured all his feelings into that kiss, along with every kiss he laid out over her body.

Wherever there lay scars from the bite marks, he bit into them and lavished them with his tongue. When her whimpers increased; he echoed with soft possessive growls. She clearly liked his growl. Her little yips and soft eye rolling gave it away.

His mouth was her salvation between her legs, her hands clamping in his scalp couldn't decide whether she wanted to hold him down or push him away to dial down the intensity. He decided for her, with a chuckle and a clasp of her hands. Her thighs slamming shut around her face didn't bother him.

They especially didn't bother him when he thrusted deeply inside of her. She was so warm and safe. She felt like home. He was determined to make her his; but he gave her a choice in a broken moan.

"Allow me to make you mine. P-please be my salvation,"


Diabolik Lovers smut book : Carla TsukinamiWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu