"I already did,"

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Hi dear, can you write a scenario like this? Let's say Carla bought a human child as a slave (Girl's heart belongs to first blood, just like yui) time passed, and the girl grew up, and now she goes to high school. Carla fell in love with the girl, but he didn't want to admit it, he was only going to use her to re-establish the founding race, that was her plan. It was not befitting of a king to fall in love with a human being. But in the end he confessed to her and wanted her to be (he ordered, lol) she was in love with him and agreed to be his woman. And they are starting to get to work reviving the founding race. ♥♥


(Y/n) was quieter than usual, deep in thought about her recent conundrums. She had found herself recently fawning over someone, someone she had no right fawning over. Being human, she didn't measure up to the first blooded caliber of her master.


"But sir? Where am I going?" Little (y/c/h) locks called up to her biological father. The man, he wouldn't look at her, or respond to her in any way. He dragged her along by her wrist, eventually coming to meet a handsome male.

Unlike her, the male was very clean and very well dressed. His long white hair was tinted with purple tips, his amber eyes might have been deceptively lighter than brown ones, in the darkness of their shady house; it was hard to tell. The fair skinned man gave her a once over, luring her in with a smile.

"Hello little girl," his deep voice sounded hypnotic, even to (y/s/t) (y/n).

"Hello sir," she spoke quietly, shying away a little.

"She is all yours sir, to do with as you please." Her father stated simply, pushing her forward into the other male, then walking away.

"You don't have to be afraid, little one, you are destined for a great purpose and will be treated as such,"

"Who are you?" She was extremely worried, his words offering little solace.

"My name is Carla, and your name is (y/n),"

End of flashback...

Turns out, Carla had rescued her from a life much worse. He was very strict towards her, but treated her well, she never wanted for anything. She served Carla as he pleased, she attended education worthy for a princess. Now in high school, she found herself doting pathetically over him. He had disciplined her, but not so bad it would leave permanent damage. She eventually, as a young adult, had found herself seeking out punishment to get close to him. It was a very unhealthy mechanism that she had developed, not knowing where she stood exactly in his point of view. She couldn't be more than a slave to him, she couldn't matter that much to the (she had now discovered) king.

Carla had found himself doting over the human too, how could he not. At first she was nothing but a tool for his objective, to rebuild the first blooded race. As she matured, he found himself becoming more emotionally sentimental, he adored her tenacity as a child after she had cracked out of her shell. But now, she was a beautiful young lady, her (y/s/c) was like a piece of art that he could stare at for the rest of his life. His brother would often suffer if he stared too long, or lingered too close. The way (y/n's) (y/e/c) eyes beamed as she talked to him, made parts of his body flutter and his blood start boiling under his skin. Unpleasant; would be the last word he would ever use to describe her.

He hadn't noticed why he was doing this at first, being so concerned over this mortal past usage, but when he finally did; it hit him way worse than then Endzeit. (Y/n's) body made his mind wonder in ways, very inappropriate for a king and a founder. He had decided to visit her, instead of waiting for her to join him for once. She sat in the moonlight, on her one free evening from school, her eyes were fixated in the distance. Her mind was clearly elsewhere, so he leaned quietly against the door and waited. The sight before him had left little to the imagination. His blood was rushing south, he had to stifle a growl at the back of his throat, he didn't want to startle her. Carla usually knew what he wanted, but he had certainly made his mind up too slowly about this. Why did it take him so long to realise?

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