"you're safe now,"

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Reader is hesistant to accept Carlas offer because of an age gap. lets say that y/n is trying to get away from the sakamakis (being their sister) she's sick of her father, so when Carla offers her a gateway out. she's hesitant because of the age gap -

(Y/n ) sat quietly, alone, on the roof of the school. Normally the roof was off limits to the students, but it weren't exactly difficult to sneak past the high brow staff. The evening was cool, the waxing moon shone brightly in a cloudless sky.

"Its not like you to be by yourself, little (y/n)," she jumped, hearing a familiar voice of one of her class mates, Shin.

"What has brought you out here on your own?" Carla sat on the other side of (y/n), Shin was occupying her left.

"Nothing..." she mumbled. She didn't hate Shin or Carla, but she didn't want to trouble them like she did everyone else.

"It doesn't sound like nothing,"

"Don't worry about me, I'm not worth the trouble,"

Shin was about to protest, but Carla had sent him away following the school bell. It seemed like Carla wanted to talk to her, she didn't know why.

"Human, what is so troublesome about you?" Carla was genuinely curious. He didn't see the little Sakamaki as trouble, after all, what trouble could a little human cause. Now don't get it mixed up; he would never underestimate her.


She sighed loudly and threw her hands up in the air dramatically.

"You need to be more specific,"

"They hate me, you would think I would be treated more fragile since I'm a human, and their sister...but no!" She ran a hand down her face. She was fed up of everything.

Carla sat quietly, listening to her ranting about her problems. It became a case of her over explaining, since she had someone to finally listen to her.

She explained how mean they were to her, actual turning their attention from Yui. They would mess with her by scaring her, pushing her, being harsh in biting her. She had several bruises and cuts from their continued torments, she knew siblings were meant to be annoying but this was dangerous.

Carla became irritated at the thought of the vampires being so repulsive, they were so carnal and uncouth. His mind was wandering in circles, there were a number of ways he could use this opportunity, but as he listened to the girl, his train of thought became clearer. He was quite fond of the girl, she was well spoken, aesthetically pleasing to look at. He was particularly fond of the look in her (y/e/c) eyes, whenever she spoke about something she was passionate about. Her mannerism were refreshing and polite. If he didn't know any better, he would say she was unrelated to any of the Sakamaki's and Karlheinz.

She hadn't took on after Karlheinz, genetically. Their eyes, skin and hair were far from alike. Although, they shared DNA, she took on after her mother seemingly. How could they be so cruel to her?

"I have a proposal for you," he spoke through a silence that had fallen between them. She turned to him, curiously.

"What do you mean?"

"Its something that could benefit the both of us,"

"How so?"

"Here is what I'm thinking (y/n). If you come and live with me, marry me and assist me in rebuilding the founders race...it will work out for you because you will finally be free of them putrid animals. You will never want for anything, you will be appreciated more than the most valuable thing in the universe... you will be a queen,"

Diabolik Lovers smut book : Carla TsukinamiWhere stories live. Discover now