Story Eight

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[L] Slips in a drink and yells in french

Chapter 1

Second Person P.o.V.

Living in a quiet mountain village never really suited you, yes you loved it there but you never fitted in with everyone else. If left alone for too long you would be found looking into the distance towards New NinjaGo City, and when asked why you did this you could never give a straight answer. But it all boiled down in your head to 'I'm meant to be there, something there is calling out to me and it only gets stronger the more I try to push it away or ignore it,' I would say, because it was the truth.

Whatever was there calling out to you wanted you to be there, with it, and you wanted to be there as well.

As years passed us by the feeling to go faded, opting people to say it was a phase of some sorts. The feeling might have faded but it never left. Many people in the village believed it had something to do with our soulmate, as we all had one, that being another reason I didn't fit in. Our soulmate wasn't located within the village walls like everyone else's was.

First Person P.o.V.

Light flooded into my room illuminating me as I quietly folded the last of my things and packed them away into a brown cardboard box, folding and taping the box closed when I was done. Birds sat outside my window on the flourishing branch of the birch tree in our front yard chirping a happy good morning when a knock came quietly rattling my door.

"Yes," I called to the person knocking. The door handle turned slowly as the door squeaked open on its hinges to reveal my sleep ridden sister, clutching her blanket around her shoulders.

"Are you really leaving Lena," she yawned out.

"Yes Cecilia, I'm really leaving, but I won't be gone forever," I cooed to her as I patted her bedhead down.

"But you're leaving me, and you promised you wouldn't leave me," she replied.

"You have visitation rights, you know that, instead of having our little dates last a few hours on one day they'll be a whole weekend long," I told her.

Today I was moving from my small mountain village to Ninjago city. With the help of my parents I bought a small one bedroom apartment that was big enough for me and them when they were inevitably coming to visit. I was moving so I could pursue a better high school career for my senior year, the tug all but forgotten to my mind by now.

"Come on, I can smell mom and dad making breakfast right now," I said as I grabbed my last box and headed down stairs to the living/dining room area.

"I'll be back right quick, I'm going to put this last box in the bed of my truck," I called out to my parents as I shrugged on my jacket and opened the front door to get to my truck.

Even though it was the beginning of summer break for everyone the mountains still felt cold, I quickly opened the hatch of the bed and pushed the box into its spot. The last box, the only things of mine left in the house were my shoes and my small backpack that I use as a purse. I closed up the hatch, locked it and scurred back inside because my feet were freezing.

Closing the door behind me, I took off my jacket and walked over to the dining room table and sat down with the rest of my family. When seated we all began to eat the meal my parents made for my last breakfast living in the house.

"Do you have everything," my mom asked me.

"Yes, the only thing left is my purse, shoes, and jacket," I told her.

"You have a job waiting for you right," my dad asked in return.

"Yes sir, it's a small tea shop called Steep Wisdom, my first day is next wednesday," I replied.

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