Story Nine

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[L] The Fools

The Fools

The Plot- Everyone is born with a soulmate signified through feeling any physical pain they encounter as well as developing the scars they get from any wound their destined gets. They won't get any open wounds but will sure as hell feel the pain of them!

The Characters- Helena (18)- the selfinsert; Mia(43), Dionysus(45)- Helena's parents; Cecilia(12)- Helena's little twat of a sister; Lloyd(19)- the greenbean that didn't ask for this; Cole(22), Jay(20), Kya(21), Nya(19), and Zane(35, he's a f*cking nindroid)- the poor souls that have to watch this play out embarrassingly; Garmadon(52), Misako(49), and Wu(50)- the adults that are having fun watching this play out.

The Conflict- The forces of evil (a.k.a. villains and crappy people) are trying to keep destiny (Helena and Lloyd meeting) from happening but the red string of the Hot and Cold game is a b*tch.

Genre- Fantasy FanFiction w/ selfinsert.

Chapter 1- A long way from home, simple home.

The sun started to harshly poke thru my closed curtained window to wake me up from my dreamless slumber as it blinded me even more than I was already. Sitting up from my covers I reached over to grab my glasses and put them on as my eyes august to my now stark room. Sighing, I shifted my legs from out beneath my duvet and stood up from my bed to stretch, getting out any kinks from sleeping and popping what I could as the chill of distance from my soulmate setting in like it did every morning.

Moving day. Next to my bed sat one last box that awaited me to pack my bedding and pajamas before it could join the rest of my boxes in the bed of my truck.

Today was the first day of summer break for all of Ninjagos' schooling age children so I wouldn't be missing anything as I drove 4 hours to the city for my relocationing from my mountain town family home to my one bedroom studio apartment that my parents helped me buy in the city. I finished folding my blankets and packing them away when a soft knock rang out from my door, getting my attention.

"Lena, sweetpea, are you awake yet," my father's voice called out through the door.

"No, sadly Helena passed away in her sleep due to reclisness of her idiotic soulmate last night. I'm the grim reaper that came to collect her soul sir," I hummed in response, holding my sore side that I started to feel while getting a chuckle from my father as he opened my door and came over to me.

"Are you almost ready to go," he asked me as he sat on my now berren bed, nursing the mug of coffee in his hand while looking over my side that I was holding.

"Yes papa, I just have to change and then I'll pack this last box and I'll be ready to go," I replied, slowly sitting down on the bed next to him.

"That's good, now I see why you started packing last week. You want to make a quick escape, no?" he said, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Ya, somewhat. I just want to get there as soon as I can so that I will at least have some time to unpack and set up some furniture before I crash for the night," I mumbled.

"Makes sense, well I leave you alone so you can change. When you're done your mom made you breakfast and I made some coffee so that you won't leave with an empty stomach," he told me as he got off the bed and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. I sighed complacently as I grabbed the clothes I sat out last night and quickly changed so I could head down stairs.

When I got down stairs, mum and dad were sitting at the table reading the newspaper and my younger sister was swaying back and forth as she ate her cereal. I sat down in my normal spot and looked down at what my mother had made me, it was my favorite. French toast with mixed berries, mixed berry syrup, and powdered sugar with my mug of black coffee sitting at its side.

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