12: Grim Gale

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Thea once again sat in her favorite chair beside one of the Black Lake windows, book in hand and not paying attention to the world around her.

"Thee-ah," her name was drawn out by a voice surprisingly close.

She finally tore her eyes away from her book to see all four of her friends standing beside her.


Chuckles came from Nott, Inez, and Cordy but Leona simply rolled her eyes. "You know Kaleb was right, you should have been in Ravenclaw. You're just as spacy as them."

Thea looked back to her book. "If you've pulled me away from my reading just to insult me—"

"No, we were just double checking if you still didn't want to go," said Nott.

She looked up at the boy. "Go...?"

"To the Quidditch game," Leona urged.

"Oh that," she returned to her book once more. "No, I'm fine here."

"You sure," Cordelia pressed. "It's supposed to be a really good game."

"I see my brothers show off enough at home, besides," a muffled crack of thunder rang through the Black Lake and vibrated off the windows, "why would I want to be in that weather?"

"That's what's gonna make it so great though," Cordelia protested.

Thea smiled at their enthusiasm but continued to shake her head. "Honestly, go on. You wouldn't want to hear me complain the whole time. Tell me how it goes."

"Fine," Nott sighed, finally giving up.

"Oh and give our team a little hell for chickening out, yeah?"

Leona and Cordelia both grinned. "Would we do anything else?" Leona responded, making Thea chuckle.

The group finally departed from Thea's side to join the rest of the Slytherins who were also going to the match.

Thea loved game days. She always got the common room nearly to herself but today was different. She wasn't the only one who decided to stay. Many of her fellows preferred to stay dry rather than watch the match. It wasn't as if she could judge them too harshly for this, but it was still putting quite the damper on her alone time.

Before long, around half of the Slytherins had set off for the Quidditch pitch, but that left anther half still lingering around in the dungeons. They all seemed somewhat excited for the small amount of students in the room but were happily making up for the absences with games and loud chatter.

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