Chapter 2: It Wasn't a Dinner Party

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After I delivered all of the invites, mother still won't tell me the reason we're having a dinner party. It absolutely aggravates that she randomly decides to plan an event without my consult. What if I had plans to do something on that day? Oh who am I kidding, I never have any plans.

The only thing I have to look forward to is those two boys Liam and Niall. They seemed pretty interesting. I don't talk to many people besides the maids and servants. Liam and Niall might become my first real friends or acquaintances. Of course, my mother wouldn't approve with their social class, but I'll find a way to talk to them. Zayn seems like an interesting character. I wonder what he is like.

I was awoken two hours earlier than normal. The same maid from yesterday was opening my curtains and opening my window.

"Oof, how in the world did your curtain already collect so much dust? I just shook it yesterday from all the layers of dust it had!" she was coughing and swatting the particles away from her face. I shrugged at her question and rose from my bed, making a mighty yawn.

"Why on Earth did you wake my up at this hour?" I sneered, looking over at the clock that read "4:03".

"It takes a long time to prepare for a wedding. I remember my wedding day. I took seven whole hours just to get out of bed. My husband-to-be never arrived, but-" I just had to cut her off.

"I'm sorry, but what do you mean by 'prepare for a wedding'? Who on Earth is getting married?" I curiously paced around her.

She paused and looked at me with a concerned look, "It's your wedding..."

"No, no it's not," I pace around her quicker than before. My palm grew sweaty and shaky.

"Oh my, uh... You might want you go to your mother with this one," she moves out of the way and opens the door for me to go. She gave me one last puzzled look before I left.

I didn't even bother to get dress. Mum was walking down the hallway, immediately cringed at the sight of me in just boxers. She looked at me very perturbed as always.

"Why are you not dressed? Someone might see you!" she looks around for any maids or servants. Thankfully, there wasn't a person in sight.

"So what did one of the maids mean when she said tat it's my wedding today?" my ears were waiting for her to answer with what I wanted to hear. What I wanted to hear did not come out of her mouth.

"Who told you already? Was it that short brunette with the hair clips? Oh, she's always gossiping non-stop, I swear! She's like a hawk on the-" I couldn't bare to hear here ramble on.

"You mean it's true?! I'm getting married today?!" I rose my voice a little too high for her liking and she gave me a stern glare.

"What did I tell you about raising your voice on me?!" she yelled louder than I did which doesn't make sense since she's complaining how loud I am. "She's a nice young lady from Sante Mentale. Of course, they're not as rich as us because we stole most of their gold during the war against them, but she'll do. She has long silky long hair. I'm quite jealous of it actually. I'll request her to cut it off."

"You chose my own bride? How could you do that? I don't even know anything about her!" I protested. So many feelings rushed through me at this very moment.

"I don't care if she doesn't say anything to you, but her vows and 'I do'. She is your fiancé and that's final. Besides I married for the money so it doesn't matter anyway," she heads the other direction, only the sounds of her heal clicking my filled the hallway.

How in Lucifer's crumbled cage am I suppose to make a vow?


Instead of getting ready like everyone else, I sat in my room grieving. Why would mother pick out my bride without considering my feelings? Well, she didn't consider anyone's feelings when she had my father killed.

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