Chapter 8: Bakery Bar

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She's covered in blood. I'm covered in blood. It's a unique bonding moment between us. To be honest this whole scene is really gruesome, and I'm not sure what to do about it. I eventually got her up from the puddle of blood and placed her on a bench that wasn't drenched in it. Afterward, the White Queen awakened from fainting. Although, she still looked light-headed.

"I can't believe this is happening again!" she slumps down on the bench, looking at her fingers that were placed on her lap. She doesn't even care about the blood all over her. I awkwardly rest my hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

"Again?" I suddenly realized what she said. I don't think an event like this happens every day. The fact that she said this happened before concerns me greatly.

The White Queen nods her heading while staring at the sprouts of trees in front of her. "The Red Kingdom sent some guy over to our kingdom. He acted all sweet, but I started to notice people disappearing when he arrived. I didn't think it was a coincidence until I caught him in the act of killing the very last citizen. I'm not sure why he didn't kill me after," she straighten herself out and looked at me for a reaction. Why does this person seem familiar? It's on the tip of my tongue and it shouldn't be. A bloody scenery should not be a relatable moment.

"I don't know what to say, but I'm sorry you went through that," I made eye contact with her. She gave me a sad smile like when someone tells you a relative died. Before taking my hand off her shoulder, I pat it, saying, "Let's go clean up ourselves and that mess, shall we?"


She threw our clothes in a washing machine and we both took turns washing ourselves. That's a shame because I just washed myself today. By the time we were finished cleaning ourselves, our clothes were done. I love the feeling of clothes fresh out of the dryer. It's so warm and smells so nice. It's like I'm getting hugged.

The White Queen grabs a hose, grass seeds, and potted flowers. Ugh, I really don't feel like working, but I feel bad for her. She still has that sad look on her face and it's bothering me. I thought of telling her one of my jokes, but the reaction to them aren't very pleasing. I'd mostly get a bunch of groans or a "really man?". That's why mother tells me to be quiet and smile at events.

We strutted down to the blood bath with our supplies. With the wind blowing towards us, we practically looked like models on a catwalk. At least the stray hairs aren't in my face. The trip didn't take so long because the place was right near the left entrance of the garden. When we arrived we were greeted with an unexpected visitor.

"Oh hello there!" Niall greeted us enthusiastically while lifting his hose into the air. Some of the water sprinkled onto Liam as he was eating a cupcake. Liam pouted at he shook the water off of him and squeezed it out of his rabbit ears. "Sorry about about that Liam," he said with his lisp. Liam nodded as to say "it's okay".

"Who are you two?" the White Queens puts down her stuff and so did I. What are they doing here cleaning up the mess? How did they even know about the mess? Did they cause the mess? Oh, who am I kidding? They can't even make tea properly. They couldn't do something like this.

"I am- who am I?" he scratched his chin with the hand that was holding the hose so he ended up splashing his face. He spat out the water that got into his mouth. "Sorry about that."

"You're the Mad Hatter," Liam answered the question. "And I am- uh..." he dragged on the "uh" for what seemed to be hours until Niall interrupted him.

"He's the March Hare or Haigha," he said pointing to Liam with the hose. Yet again, Liam got wet. The frosting of his cupcake was washed off. Gee, they can't even handle a hose. They're both like a circus act. A circus act who didn't even know their own names, but they know each others'. Liam just shrugged and ate the soggy cupcake, ew.

"What a strange bunch," the White Queen leans over and whispers to me. She quickly withdrawals because both of them were staring at her while she made her comment. That's odd for someone from Wonderland to call someone else from Wonderland weird. Don't they all share a mutual amount of weirdness? Then there's me who isn't as looney as them.

"We were just stopping by the garden and then we saw this mess! Goodness, I didn't think you guys liked painting so much," Niall continues to wash the bench. The bench now had a splattered, stained, red color instead of a beige. Liam just watched him while finishing up the last of his dessert. His ears pointed up high.

"I guess they beat us to it," the queen frowns while she turns around. She headed back to the kingdom with the cleaning supplies and plants. She even took the ones I brought over. They both waited until she was gone before saying anything.

"Hey, Harry, how about we take you to our favorite Bakery/Bar! It's not that far from here!" Niall was talking the to bench instead of me. That boy seriously needs glasses because I don't look anything like a bench. Also if he thinks I'm the bench he should know that he's pouring the water onto it. Also, a bakery and bar? What kind of combo is that?

"Um, sure, that sounds like fun!" Hey, what else do I have any plans besides awkward convos with the queen? I might meet new people! Actually, I don't want to know what the other residents of Wonderland are like. Oh well, what do I have to lose? Besides my head.

"Can you buy me another cupcake when we're there?" Liam gave Niall puppy dog eyes. It's like he's putting him under a spell and it worked. Maybe I can use some of that magic on my mum so she would stop bothering me.

"Of course you can get another cupcake!" he exclaimed while throwing the hose up into the air. It ended up splattering water all over us. Niall noticed what he caused and quietly said, "Oops."


On the outside of the place looks all dark and dangerous. Looks like a place I could get beat up in. The inside of the place was the exact opposite. It was all bright and filled with pastel colors. Almost like a candy shop. It had a freshly baked brownies scent to it and I like it. My stomach likes it too because now it's growling.

Niall and Liam marched side by side to the counter while I trailed behind. "Hello Helga, we'll have two Sparkling Apple Sangrias and three red velvet cupcakes," Niall ordered for us. The woman who was apparently named Helga nodded and got to work. She immediately brought us our order. Wow, talk about fast. "Thanks, hun," Niall smiled and walked over to a table. The place wasn't too crowded, but it still had a fair amount of people. Everyone in here looks like they belong in a gang. Should I be intimidated?

Liam was so eager to eat the cupcake he grabbed it out of Niall's hands before we even sat down. Niall was so surprised he almost dropped everything. Gladly, he didn't. Niall handed me one of the Sangrias. I guess Liam doesn't drink?

They just talked to each other while I was looking around the room. Eyes were all on me for some reason. It's probably because of the way I'm dressed. It's really fancy compared to everyone else and it's obvious that I came from the White Kingdom. Do they all know about the dead citizens? Is that why I seem unusual?

I also feel like I'm forgetting something, but I'm not quite sure what it is. Now, I remember! I have to meet up with Louis in the garden. 


A/N: A bit of a short one. 1k reads, whoop, whoop!!! Thanks so much for reading this!!!

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