Chapter 13: Pure Imagination

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The faint sound of wind chimes carried me away to the White Kingdom. The wind was heavy, and it blew directly on my face. Goosebumps raced around my arms, but this feeling wasn't as cold as it was in the cellar. My cheeks now had a nice rosy tint.

My cape dramatically flew behind me like a flag. I felt like I was heading to battle, but instead it seems that I have just left one.

I can already hear the rant that the White Queen is going to give me the second I walked into the door.

A loud scrap echoed the halls as she stood in front of me. Her skin turned lifeless as if she has laid her eyes on a ghost. A shovel was loosely in her hand, trailing behind her.

"What's with the shovel?" was the first thing I thought of to say.

She awkwardly set it aside and looked anywhere but me. "You were gone for awhile so I just... assumed things." Her voice faded away as if she knew I understood what she was saying. Tucking in a loose piece of hair into her bun, she screeches, "ANYWHO! Where's the crown?"

"Um... I did, in fact, get it! No one saw me get it too, uh..." she motioned me to continue with what I was saying. She's just waiting for me to drop the bomb. Honestly, I'm not going to tell her about the whole Louis thing. She'll freak. "I buried it behind a Bakery Bar!" Lies, lies, lies.

"Oh, that's nice? Speaking of the Bakery Bar, could you go down and buy me a dozen vanilla cupcakes from there? Say it's for the White Queen. That'll take care of the money," she spins around like a runway model and she exits the room. Her hips are swaying, almost forcefully. Like she wants me to notice it. Not sure why, though.


The forest that is right in front of the village of Faux is so humid. My shirt is practically drench in my own sweat. The reason why it's so humid is because the forest has so many plants to the point where you don't even know where the path is. When you do make it out without being lost, it's like heaven.

By now my red clothes were gone and I was back into my white ones. The White Queen claims that she "doesn't want someone representing her to not wear the proper color." It's a good thing my leg isn't bleeding anymore. That would have raised some questions.

Surprisingly, there's no one wandering around town square. Usually, there's someone reading a book or traveling to the next store, but it's dead silent. The wind carries the old gravel road away, and no one seems to be taking care of that. Geese are gathered near a well and no one is shooing them away.

The Bakery Bar stood on the far right of town. It's was small compared to the other buildings. It was also worn out. The paint was chipping and signs were peeling off. I guess that's what makes it look so creepy.

Something unusual added to that creeper factor. There was a broken window. The whole thing was shattered. Each piece of dusty glass was scattered in front of me. Some of the pieces flickered a red liquid. It seemed to have recently happened because it wasn't dried up.

The door looked like it suffered some damage too. It was crooked and it was also lightly smeared with the same red liquid.

What use to be a bright and colorful place was now an intimidating deserted area, much like the outside of it. Tables were turned, chairs were smashed, posters were violently ripped off the walls. Everywhere I took a step, there would be a piece of glass. The sound is similar to bones being crushed. It's a good thing I have shoes on.

If this place could describe in only one word, that word would be abandoned.

A soft whimper caught my attention. It was very quiet and shaky, but I still manage to hear it. Immediately following the whimper was a sharp inhale, like the person realized what they did. It sounds like it's coming from behind the counter.

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