Chapter 6: Did You Just Give Me a Flower Crown?

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After being rudely kicked out of the Red Queen's castle, I began my short journey to give the parasol back to the White Queen. Turns out her kingdom is right next her the Red Queen's! It's a good thing I don't have to travel too far because the sun is setting. I don't want to see what happens to this place during the night. Hopefully, no one would express the term "lunatic".

The only thing that's separating the Red and White kingdom is a huge garden. It's the biggest one I have ever seen in my life! Most of the flowers there were either red, white or pink. It was mostly pink, though. They're not even the irritating singing ones too! Carved wooden benches and other forms of decor was placed all around. I should really stop by this place at one point, but right now I have a mission.

My feet were no longer walking on the crunchy gravel and were now tapping on white marble. The white marble reminds me of the one that's in the castle because it's a little bit cracked.

Ahead of my stood a beautiful white castle with over 4 Victorian style towers. Oh my god, it was breathtaking. Every inch of this building is like something out of my dreams. I should be living in something like this instead of some crappy old castle. There were even cute little flower pots placed around the entrance. The flower pots had the most perfect white roses I have ever seen. 

I observed everything from the carved out columns to the small statues of dogs. When I bent down to touch one of the statues I heard someone clear their throat. Immediately, I stood up to see who it was.

Leaning against the door frame with their hands crossed was what seemed to be the White Queen. Her brown skin glistened from the one ray of sunshine that was left. Her hair was a pure white that fell along her sides. She stood nice and tall in a medieval style white dress. Her makeup was the opposite of the whole white thing. Her eye makeup was dark including the lipstick. Her crown was thin and had white pearls that were arranged to form flowers. She was younger than the Red Queen that's for sure.

"Well, you coming inside now? It gets pretty cold at night. You can drop off my parasol next to the door," she turned her back and walked into the palace. Wow, she knew the parasol was her's. I followed her and dropped off parasol right where she told me to. She turned back around facing me, "Go sit on that rocking chair over there and then we can talk. I'll go get us some coffee. How would you like your's?"

I was too distracted from what the inside of the castle looked like to listen to her. Everything in this place was white! Well, some small things like vases and knick knacks were black but still. Many things were made out of glass too. Like the rocking chair, the lamps, the tables, etc.

I snapped out of my gaze and finally answered her, "Oh, um, two sugars and a bit of cream would be nice, thank you." I slowly sat myself on the glass rocking chair. Why on Earth would someone own a glass rocking chair? it doesn't even have cushions. I mean it looks nice and all, but it hurts my back. I shifted around until I finally found a spot in the chair where I can feel relaxed in. The White Queen stepped into the room almost tripping on her dress. She gave me a shy smile and carried on her way to where I was.

"Here's your coffee," she handed it to me as she sat in the rocking chair opposite to me.

"Thanks," I smiled and took a sip at the hot brew. The fog rises and warmed my nose. The chair rocked me slowly like I was on a boat.

"So you're not Alice. Where is she?" she placed her cup of coffee onto the coffee table and crossed her legs. She noticed my confused look and said, "Alice, Allison, Ali, whatever you call her. Where is she?"

Allison is the name of the princess I was about to be forced to marry. Why would the White Queen want her? What good use does she have? No offence, of course. I sat up in my chair and placed my cup of coffee next to her's. I copied her position and crossed my legs, folded my hands together, and placed them on my knee. "She's at the castle. Why do you want her?"

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