Chapter 7: Six Feet Under

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I would be lying if I would say that Louis wasn't on my mind. How could I not think about the things he had said and done? Why are people even afraid of him he seems like he would be the life of the party. He should be in invited to my castle's events instead of all of those people I don't know a thing about.

Luckily, after the event I snuck back into the castle without being seen. Although, I don't think there's anyone to see me beside the queen herself. Only the sound of the grandfather clock was heard that night.

I didn't realize I woke up until the queen was handing me a tux. My eyes fixed on it and then I tilted my head. She is giving me the exact same tux I was suppose to wear so my wedding! Well, white and blue isn't a rare color pairing. Especially in this part of Wonderland. She shoved it in my face and didn't even wait for me to grab it.

She was dressed in a white long-sleeved crop top and a white long high waisted lace skirt. It was poofy like a ballerina's and it stopped at her ankles. She wasn't even wearing any shoes. Her textured hair was kept neatly in a high ponytail. Her face was smiling and lively as usual.

"Breakfast would be served soon! I hope you don't mind vegan meals. They're slimming, ya know?" she says while motioning towards her body. The White Queen sits next to me on the bed, "Sorry about the small PJs. That's the biggest size we have."

"Oh, no it's fine. They're quite comfy, actually," my mind flashes back to when Louis was commenting on what I was wearing. Wait, if they only have small PJs does that mean I have to go visit him tonight in small PJs again? I can practically hear what he's going to say about it right now.

I get up to get dress thinking the queen would have left the room by now. Nope, she was still there. Her eyes looked eager to see what I would to next. Although, I was kind of disturbed I was also confused. I'm showing so much already there's barely anything left to see.

"Is there something you need?" I slowly asked while bringing the tux closer to me in comfort. She just kept staring and blinking which was kind of creepy.

The bed creaked when she snapped into the realization of what she was doing. The queen shouted, "Food's ready!" she bounced out of bed and shot passed me. Her feet stomped the ground as she zipped away. That was weird because I have no idea how she detected that the food was ready. I continue to take my shirt off and double checking to make sure she's not in the room.


Like the queen, my hair was also up in a ponytail. My hair is even longer than my mum's and sometimes I like to wear in different styles just to mock her. She's been buying scam products to make her hair grow quicker. She'd end up suing the companies for every penny they're worth.

When I arrived at this kingdom it was almost night. The whole place looked faded and miserable. Now, it's daytime and there's basically a sunroof in every room. That, mixed with the fact that everything is a bright white made my eyes cry for mercy. I'd have to become one of those douchebags who wear sunglasses inside in order to even walk through this place.

In what looked like a hybrid of a porch and a greenhouse sat the White Queen, munching down oatmeal with varies fruits on it. Vines curled around her practically grasping her arm. She was happily eating her oatmeal and motioned for me to come to her.

"Sorry, I started eating! I couldn't help it!" she giggled with a mouth full of strawberries. I awkwardly shuffled towards the table and sat down next to her. What was more awkward was the replies I gave her whenever she asked a question. After all, I was only half listening. She's making the most boring small talk I have ever heard. She even asked what was my favorite color. I would simply mumble one-word answers while trying to finish my oatmeal as quickly as possible without choking. I am not contributing to this conversation, thank you very much.

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