Chapter 15: Loop

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Trees hugged us tightly as we went down the narrow path. Every breath seemed colder than the last. Petrichor was in the air. Giving it a lonely vibe. Everything was moist. Not even the leaves were crunchy. Louis and I were being very cautious in every step we took or else we might trip on a tree root and land face first into the mud. Now the path was getting familiar again.

That wasn't the only thing that confused me. The other thing being that we just woke up about two hours ago and already the sun is quickly setting. I've been here long enough to know where the sun rises and falls, and it does not fall this soon.

Louis didn't seem to notice, and he continues to lead me through the path. We were careful to not step over the tracks of the guards, keeping a sharp right on the path. It's kind of hard now to step on the footprints with such a slim path.

I suddenly froze in my place when seeing more proof that we were going in circles. Ahead of us were our own footprints! I can tell because all of the guards wore the same kind of shoes while Louis' and I's shoes are entirely different. I assumed Louis would notice this too, but he carried on his merry way.

"Louis! Stop!" He was about to walk out of my sight. The sudden sound made him flinch and almost slip. He turns around on his heel and motions for me to walk to him. Lazy boy.

I trudge through the mud with fatigue. How long have we been walking? I'm not sure where we're going or how long it will take. Louis does know that I actually sleep at night, right? Not just roam around gardens for countless hours.

"Admit it that we're going in circles!" I groaned. This boy can be quite stubborn at times. Can't always to be the right one.

Louis takes a good look around us, mud squishing beneath his feet. He exhales, "We're not lost, Harry." There he goes again! I swear there's no point in saying we're not lost because we clearly are! I can see the maple tree ahead of us. The same tree where I would get hit in the head with an acorn.

Louis continues to march on his merry little way before I can comment. Although, maybe he's right about us not being lost. There's no other way to go but straight. Also, the door color changed between the houses. Maybe it's time to actually trust a citizen of Wonderland.

As always, an acorn landed on my head. I didn't want to draw much attention to it because there would be no point. Louis already looks too engulfed in the task ahead to acknowledge what is going around him.

Not so long after, we arrived at the same exact house and gut covered rock as we were at before. I wanted to be the mature one here and not out "I told you so!" Although, it's really hard to restrain myself from doing so. His face doesn't look smug anymore. He looks concerned as he looks down the path we just traveled. He can tell that we're in the same place as before. His eyes were lingering at the rock and the house just waiting for an answer.

"I am tired. Why don't we ask whoever lives in the house if we could stay there for the night?" I gestured at the fading sun. The sound of crickets chirping was filling the silence.

Louis huffs, making his warm breath visible, disappearing into the crisp air. He takes a good look around and shoves his hands into his pockets, "Yeah, whatever makes you happy." The soft sound of wind chimes entered. What is with the wind chimes? I don't even see any. Louis doesn't seem to notice them. He just casually heads over to the house.

Squish, squish, squish

The mud stuck to our shoes like glue. The porch lantern flickered and practically screamed, "Go away!" My body was aching to get out of the frigid rustic. The steps creaked as we stridden onto them. Louis looks back at me with ambiguity. I bet he just doesn't want to come into the house because he believes it's a waste of time. Well, sorry I have needs. The door squeaked dreadfully loud. 

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